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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Petitioners: Chicken poop not renewable energy

A group has organized a petition drive to declassify chicken manure as a renewable energy source in Maryland.

Food and Water Watch, a consumer advocacy group, says the state categorizes burning animal waste and trash with its top-tier renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, which receive incentives. The petitioners believe incinerating poultry poop can be as hazardous to the environment as burning coal.

"While I guess technically trash and animal waste are renewable, it violates the spirit and intention of the RPS," said Phil Ateto, a solar energy consultant, using the acronym for Maryland's renewable portfolio standards.

A handful of residents rallied in Annapolis Wednesday before they said they would deliver 700 petitions and 30 handwritten letters to House Speaker Michael E. Busch's staff. They stood in front of miniature wind turbines.



  1. POOP is always good.

  2. Progressive flatulence ...the next great growth market ..get in on the ground floor

  3. Far more reliable than the wind. The wind may or may not blow but the chickens always poop!

  4. who are these people????

  5. Libatards are a danger to all of us.

  6. If that's the way the state looks at it, why aren't we burning human poop?

  7. 3:07, Because the liberals are using it all for brains!

  8. Liberal Dumbocraps have nothing better to do with their lives.

  9. Feed the Poop to the owners of the chicken plants.


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