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Friday, November 06, 2015

Patients Want Drug Off The Market Following Crippling Side Effects

BALTIMORE (WJZ)–Doctors are blaming crippling side effects on a powerful drug that’s being prescribed to thousands of patients around the country and here in Maryland.

The antibiotic can treat diseases like anthrax and the plague, but asGigi Barnett explains, doctors are giving it to patients with less severe illnesses.

Eight years ago, Caroline Egan’s doctor prescribed her Levaquin to treat a sinus infection.

She took it as prescribed for three days until the former daycare provider from Framingham, Massachusetts says she began to see unusual symptoms.

“One day I can be OK and focused. And another day I can’t even talk to anybody, cause they’re not making sense. It sounds like they’re not speaking English,” said Caroline Egan.



  1. I had a very similar problem. The P.A. prescribed this medicine for a sinus infection, and sore throat I had. Within four days for taking the medicine as directed, I was so sick I thought I was going to die. I actually could not lift my arms in the air, and my legs, my back felt as if I had been badly beaten. In short, I was in such pain, I couldn't move or have a sheet touch my skin. My the time I could get in to see my doctor, I was worse, the body aches lasted almost three months. I will never take that drug ever again. The risks are too high.

  2. What a load of crap.


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