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Monday, November 09, 2015

Operation We Care needs your help!

Operation We Care needs your help! In a few days we will be packing up a massive shipment of care packages to be sent to troops over seas! Our most needed items are: Chef Boyardee, Toothpaste, deodorant, baby wipes, razors, and shampoo/ body wash! Even small donations help- please contact us if you need assistance getting donations to us!

Here is the list of Top 10 Needed Items:
  1. Chef Boyardee canned poptop pasta
  2. Granola bars
  3. Hot chocolate
  4. Instant oatmeal
  5. Microwave popcorn
  6. Pop Tarts
  7. Instant tea bags
  8. Deodorant
  9. Shampoo/Body wash
  10. Dental floss
Or Download the entire list here


Drop off Locations

Where can I drop off items?
We have many donation drop-off locations all over Delmarva. Please check the list for the location most convenient to you. If you need your donations picked up please email us at info@operationwecare.org and we can arrange a pickup.



Can I donate money instead of items?
Yes, we use the money to pay for postage and more items. Most folks donate approved items but many more donate time, resources or money.
Send A Box 

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