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Sunday, November 22, 2015

O'Malley got the counter-punch from Donald Trump he was spoiling for

Martin O'Malley was hoping Donald Trump would begin attacking him, and after a shot at the real estate mogul, he got exactly what he wanted.

That tweet came after O'Malley referred to Trump as "that immigrant-bashing carnival barker, Donald Trump."

Hillary Clinton also took a swipe at Trump, repeating a line she's been using to criticize Bernie Sanders' call for universal free college tuition: "I don't think taxpayers should be paying to send Donald Trump's kids to college."



  1. O'Malley won't even try to engage his main opposition - Hillary Clinton - because he is pimping for a cabinet post. He's already hedging his bet - knowing full well that Hillary will win.

    O'Malley is for O'Malley. His own credentials as Baltimore's ex-Mayor shows that he is incompetent to President.

  2. That debate last night was the worst 2 hours of television I have ever witnessed........when sanders said climate change created isis I just about wet myself.......the three morons on that stage last night are clueless.......the three of them together couldn't run an ant farm.........can't wait for the real debate....not one of these village idiots has a chance to win a debate against the Republicans. This show is over before it begins.......no dems no problems....

  3. won't hear the Dems saying a thing about the invasion of Syrian insurgents in New Orleans that happened the same time some other Syrian insurgents were attacking Parisians

  4. O'Malley is a Dork, Hillary won't have him on her cabinet list. He is sucking up to in vain. Simpleton!

  5. What a TOOL !!!!!!!!!!

  6. Honestly, I don't know why the dem's don't really like O'Malley. O'Malley is more liberal than Hillary or Sanders. If you love Obama you should love O'Malley because they are both the same mentally.

  7. Larry, Moe, and Curly the democratic three stooges.

  8. The Three Stooges were wonderful, both in film and in real life. Please take back that insult.

  9. O'Malley will soon disapear from political view. NO ONE LIKES O'MALLEY. He is arrogant and his ego makes for poor decisions. He is a joke and his record as mayor and governor was horrible.

  10. O'Malley and Clinton wouldn't dare go up against Trump in a debate.

  11. For once I agree with the Donald.

  12. Omalley needs to learn that he is way out of his league when it comes to Trump. I guess he is to stupid to figure it out.

  13. I love that tweet. What does Chuck Cook have to say about it?


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