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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

North Carolina’s New Welfare Rules Are Causing A Stir Across America

Law requires recipients to meet work requirements in order to receive welfare

New food stamp restrictions have been signed into law in North Carolina. Starting next year, recipients of food stamps will have to meet work requirements to stay eligible for them.

This new bill was passed by state lawmakers in September, then finally signed by Governor Pat McCrory in mid October. Approximently 45,000 beneficiaries will be affected by these new statutes.

In a nutshell, the law requires recipients to meet work requirements in order to receive the welfare which was originally laid out in the Personal Responsibility and Work opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 which was then removed following economic recession in 2008.

In order to receive this welfare, any childless, able-bodied adult between 18 & 49 must meet work requirements in order to take part in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP.)

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  1. No OBAMA removed the work rule first year in office.

  2. This is a good thing. I wish we had more accountability in government

  3. 4:05PM you are correct. Bill Clinton signed into law a bill that required able-bodied adults to participate to welfare to work programs (Job Centers) in order to receive Temporary Cash Assistance TCA. These people could only receive assistance for five years then they had to be working.

    Obama did away with all requirements including identity in order to receive benefits and really strong armed agencies across the US to make sure people receiving welfare were signed up to vote (voter registration forms). That should tell every working citizen what he was doing (buying votes). That is one of the reasons he won re-election. Most of the time, the people applying didn't even know what the form was or how to fill it out.

  4. 4:29

    You are also correct that Bill Clinton signed that into law. The Republican controlled congress sent the bill to Clinton twice and Clinton rejected it. When it became clear that the congress had a veto proof majority Bill Clinton signed it and proceeded to take credit for what he couldn't stop.

  5. Clinton also shrunk the welfare roles by transferring them to SSI.

  6. So now these folks will have children in order to work around the requirement

  7. Take heed, Maryland.


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