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Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Muslim Teen Doesn’t Like What This Girl is Wearing

A shocking video is spreading across the Internet, as the “refugee
crisis continues to surge with Muslim men flooding into Europe from the Middle East.

Video of the incident was uploaded to Facebook after taking place in Rotterdam, Netherlands. In the clip, a Muslim man approached a woman to object to her choice of outfit, thinking she was dressed immodestly – a sleeveless t-shirt. Hardly street-walking attire.

As Mad World News reported, he starts out the conversation by saying, “You dress like a whore,” and it got ugly real fast after that. Understandably the woman’s initial reaction was to argue with the man. But as with so many misogynistic Muslim men, that just set off his rage…



  1. They are nothing but bullies. They pick on those smaller and weaker than they are (and preferably alone). They need to try picking on someone their own size! It makes me want to go to the Netherlands and see what they do with a 6ft 220 lb woman wearing shorts! (I'm not skinny but that's mostly muscle.)

  2. Do a search of rapes in Sweden. 77% were committed by Muslim men. This kind of behavior is tolerated in the Netherlands. Women in the Muslim culture have ZERO rights.

  3. Coming to a small town near you real soon. The only way to stop this mess is to stop voting for Democrats.

  4. Brought to you by George Soros and the other .01% of elite leftists who plan on remaking society even more in their favor.

  5. Let me see one of these cowards lay a finger on my wife, or any woman for that matter, and he will be laying on his back with a hole in his chest.

    The very sad part about the liberals supporting these muslim radicals is that they do it for their "Freedom" and "equality" but the people that they are "freeing" and making "equal" don't believe in freedom and equality at all! How hypocritical is that?!

  6. These are "Friends" of Obama, Hillary, Soros, Bill Gates and Microsoft Execs. Thank the Democrats. Get Armed and be prepared Marylanders cause O'Malley made us a "sanctuary State"

  7. it's all about one world government, need to break down barriers and borders, so destroying amerika and europe must happen for the rich to get what they want.


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