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Thursday, November 12, 2015

Mizzou Tells Students To Call Cops Over 'Hurtful' Speech

As tensions at the University of Missouri continue to rage, the college’s police department has sent a new email to students advising them to call the police if they witness any incidents of “hurtful speech.”

The email arrived in the inboxes of Missouri students Tuesday morning, and copies of it were quickly posted on Twitter.


  1. Great, so now you can be suspended for hurting little Johnny's feelings. These kids need to grow a spine!

  2. these students are our future. this is absolutely unacceptable. they are wimpy, sissys and need to grow up. how horribly immature is this. they have no clue how the real world works. get a life or go home to mommy and daddy and stay there; never to be seen again until you get a backbone and figure this out.

  3. This is the new progressive America and there is no turning back now. It is probably too late to save. Too many people sat back and watched the liberals destroy this county utilizing higher education. Anyone who has been to college can remember the brainwashing. It even worked on me for a little while. Until one day my mother called me out and I started to think independently again. Hell I have meet previous professors many years after graduation who have told me they feel like they failed because I supported a republican president.

    This is so depressing!! I have been trying to keep a positive outlook, but I think it really is too late.

  4. I saw Billary's face flash on the TV for two seconds and it hurt my eyes. Does this count?

  5. its a shame they have to try to get people to calls cops to report someone who was not properly raised and is rude and insulting to others. When you are civil to others you usually enjoy being around them. Sadly there are a lot of rude and uncivilised people in the world.

    And in just the first four comments are examples of this type of people.

  6. What is wrong the presidents of all these colleges? Personally, I feel they should stop standing down and actually protect ALL students instead of a group of mouthy kids so out of touch with the world they live in that they would rather protest than go to class. I watched one college kid being interviewed because they wanted (as she stated it was her right) to have free college education, forgiveness of college loans, and raise minimum wage to $15.00/hr. This child couldn't even comprehend where the money was coming from to pay for her demands. This is a perfect example of the kids attending college and getting dumber than the day they walked in.

    Education is not a right. It is an earned privilege. Perhaps the family may be able to afford to foot the bill, but many people need help in the form of scholarships, grants, working their way through school to EARN an education. Once earned, then apply it to your job and become a PRODUCTIVE member of society.

    Not all kids can or should go to college and that is fine as well. There is nothing wrong with learning a vocation or skill that will serve you well in life.

    I'm sick to death of these "entitled" babies. The presidents of the colleges need to expel any and all students who cause severe disturbances at their campus. College should be a safe place of study and applied learning. Not a race baiting combat class, or taking the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and Amendments out of context. For the money that is spent on "higher education", I would think the professors would teach the students about fair, civilized, discussion on both sides of the issue at hand, and ensure all students learn to give and receive RESPECT.

    Any student or professor who can not or will not be fair and respectful doesn't deserve to be in college. This is a basic human need of all people; respect.

  7. We have met the enemy and it is us.

  8. Education is not a right. It is an earned privilege. Perhaps the family may be able to afford to foot the bill, but many people need help in the form of scholarships, grants, working their way through school to EARN an education. Once earned, then apply it to your job and become a PRODUCTIVE member of society.

    Not all kids can or should go to college and that is fine as well. There is nothing wrong with learning a vocation or skill that will serve you well in life.

    I'm sick to death of these "entitled" babies. The presidents of the colleges need to expel any and all students who cause severe disturbances at their campus. College should be a safe place of study and applied learning. Not a race baiting combat class, or taking the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and Amendments out of context. For the money that is spent on "higher education", I would think the professors would teach the students about fair, civilized, discussion on both sides of the issue at hand, and ensure all students learn to give and receive RESPECT.

    Any student or professor who can not or will not be fair and respectful doesn't deserve to be in college. This is a basic human need of all people; respect.

    November 12, 2015 at 5:57 PM

    Education is a basic human right you doofus.

  9. SET UP!!!! The hell with these punks. What are the cops going to do with here say??? This college has created a mess aND as usual they want someone else to handle it. Typical liberal A HOLES.

  10. They also want a new Constitution to give them special rights over everyone else...by threat of murder.


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