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Saturday, November 28, 2015

Michael Moore Launches #MyHomeIsOpen Website to encourage Americans to House Refugees

On the heels of his announcement that he would open his own Traverse City, Michigan, home to Syrian refugees entering the U.S., leftwing filmmaker Michael Moore has launched a website to encourage Americans to join him in opening their own homes to refugees.

Moore has launched the “My Home is Open” campaign on his official website, through which Americans can register their own homes as shelters for Syrian refugees.

“I’m asking anyone who can, anyone who has spare rooms in their homes or an empty apartment, cottage, or whatever, to make it available for Syrian and Iraqi refugees for between six months and a year while they’re being settled in the U.S,” Moore writes on the campaign page, adding:



  1. He is a nobody piece of garbage.

  2. Yes I can see that almost 3 dozen people have agreed to this fat idiots idea.

    1. Hope drones are circling above mentioned homes.

  3. He has made a lot of money stirring and pot he can. Net worth of 10 million but complains about Wall Street. Smh.

  4. Ahhh
    the majik number 33

  5. You don't have to volunteer to take refugees into your home. Info as to the number of vacant bedrooms that you have is being collected by the government. Your house will soon be active with new chatter and odors of strange foods cooking. Try to get along with your new guests or their complaint can result in you having to evacuate your home. Then you hopefully will have a relative who will share their bed with you. You will always have your pleasant memories. The government can't take that away from you.


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