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Thursday, November 12, 2015

Meet The Sick Mizzou Media Professor Who Threatened A Reporter With MOB VIOLENCE

On Monday, video emerged showing a professor at the University of Missouri calling for “muscle” to help remove journalist Mark Shierbecker as he was trying to film an anti-free speech event being held on campus following the resignation of MU system president Tim Wolfe.

The professor is Melissa A. Click. She belongs to the faculty of mass media within Mizzou’s department of communication.

Schierbecker recorded an intense exchange, which unfolded between University of Missouri student photographer Tim Tai and protesters who opposed Wolfe. Shierbecker asked Click if he could interview her as students pushed and blocked Tai.

“You need to get out,” Click told Shierbecker in the video, which you can watch below.

“No, I don’t,” Shierbecker said, prompting Click to grab his camera and shake it.

“Hey, who wants to help me get this reporter out of here?” Click shouted to the crowd. “I need some muscle over here.” (RELATED: Mizzou Professor Calls For ‘Muscle’ To Help Remove Reporter Covering Protests)

Two days ago, Click’s view of media coverage of the protests which now beset the Mizzou campus were decidedly different.

On Saturday, Click posted an appeal on her Facebook page urging reporters to cover the then-budding protest.

“Hey folks, students fighting racism on the MU campus want to get their message into the national media,” the media professor wrote. “Who among my friends knows someone who would want a scoop on this incredible topic?”

“The story involves the failure of administrators, a student on day 6 of a hunger strike, and creative, fearless students,” Click also enthusiastically explained. “If you can help, please let me know!”



  1. This woman has evidently failed to mature past the age of 20, or, worse yet, is posing to identify with 20 year olds so that they can do her work for her.

  2. Im speechless the way our country is being destroyed. Evil is among us in a big way

  3. This is precisely what happens when a nation turns it's back on God.

    1. What, reason a d common sense and civility? I think not.

  4. Why is there a Women's Studies major when there isn't a Men's Studies major?
    And why are so many Women's Studies professors so angry all the time?

  5. Another social justice wannabe, and another one with a truly faulty moral compass.
    Obviously an energetic and misguided supporter of Hillary, one who would just love to join her satellite staff.

  6. It is the mentality of liberals. Not surprised.


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