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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Man claims he was pulled over, profiled for being white

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — An Annapolis man is suing the city, accusing police officers of unlawfully stopping and searching his vehicle several times because he was a white man in a neighborhood with predominantly African-American and Latino residents.

Daniel Hodges filed the lawsuit Saturday in U.S. District Court, naming Mayor Mike Pantelides, Annapolis Police Chief Michael Pristoop and officers involved in the traffic stops.

Hodges’ lawyer Nevin Young says he believes the officers presumed his client to be in the minority neighborhoods to buy illegal drugs.



  1. Get over it. Everyone's profiled. I worked in Baltimore and used to have to drive to the Sandtown section (where the Freddie Gray incident happened) and other bad areas and got pulled over several times. Officers saw a young white person and thought I was there to buy drugs. I was pulled over several times until the officers finally recognized us non profit employees and our vehicles and then they would wave to us.

    1. Non profit? Highest paid ceo in the country all work for non profit. What a joke.

  2. Ah, when the tables are turned. Just think white people will be able to apply for minority status soon.

  3. This happens all the time. Even on the reality crime shows, the cop tells some white kid he pulled him over because it was "a known drug activity area". And that there's "only one reason" he would be there, "to buy drugs".

    But that's ok, because he's probably right.

    If it's ok to stop someone who looks obvious out of place, to prevent crime, then it needs to be applied equally.

    Profiling works.

  4. You are the joke 10:29. Clueless people like you need to educate yourself before opening the mouth. While some non profits do pay their CEO's quite a bit of money it is completely and utterly false to say that the highest paid CEO's all work for non profits because none do as a matter of fact. A few make near the million dollar per year mark but that is very very very low compared to what CEO's in the private sector make. Some private sector CEO's earn total compensation in excess of a billion/year. A CEO of a mid to large sized company earns 10 million/year plus.

  5. "Anonymous said...

    Non profit? Highest paid ceo in the country all work for non profit. What a joke.

    November 25, 2015 at 10:29 AM"

    Really 10:29? Name one. Name just one. You don't even have to name "all" of these non profit CEO's who are the "highest paid CEO in the country." I'll be waiting..........

  6. lowest paid is in salisbury...

  7. We are heading towards a segregated society just what Democrats wanted all along except this time they will make black people think it was their idea.

  8. Eh, the police were doing their job in my opinion. I think the guy is just looking to cash in, and maybe he'll get a decent settlement. BUT 10:02 brings up a good point about the police being familiar with faces and vehicles which is hard to do when the departments are understaffed.


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