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Saturday, November 21, 2015

Leadership Done Right


  1. Obama owns it all now no more bushes fault

  2. And previously when American soldiers were killed in their beds in Lebanon, Reagan retaliated.

    No, wait, he didn't. He had us run like scared dogs.

  3. 7:33 you do not know what you're talking about? I served under Reagan and on my ship. We sat off the coast of Lebanon and watched the air space and backs of the battle ship uss jersey as they bombarded the positions for hours of the terrorists that bombed the Marine Barracks in Lebanon in the early eighties.. I was there!!! Obamas a traitor

  4. I even got a navy expitionary medal for the " lebanon campaign" the proper term! reagen kick ass when he found out who did it. 7:33 go back in mommies basement u obama loving fool and learn your history

  5. Bush knew when to bomb the enemy also.


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