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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Knives Killed Five Times As Many People As Rifles Last Year

According to crime statistics from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), knives are consistently used to kill people far more often than rifles are used. And the numbers aren’t even close: five times as many murders were committed with knives than were committed with rifles last year.

The FBI statistics show that knives have been used as a murder weapon far more often than rifles — even those evil “assault weapons” we hear so much about — for quite a while. In 2013, knives or other cutting instruments were used to kill 1,490 victims. In contrast, rifles were the cause of death of 285 murder victims. Shotguns were used in 308 murders. In 2009, the ratio was very similar: knives were used in five times as many murders as rifles.


  1. What???? Another govt data that shows guns don't kill people???

    What, say it ins't so????

    Damn I love telling you STUPID ass people I TOLD YOU SO, over and over and over and over and over... I never get tired of being right and you being wrong...

  2. Oh no, better hide these facts, they don't support the Obama agenda and we don't want to report the truth, do we? LOL.

  3. they're a lot quieter.

  4. Latinos love their blades.


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