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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Injured student athletes sue MCPS over gruesome chemical burns

SILVER SPRING, Md. (WJLA) --- The Montgomery County School system is facing two lawsuits, over what one attorney calls a case of "colossal stupidity."

In September 2014, a custodian washed football uniforms in a dangerous chemical by mistake. The result was serious burns to more than a dozen players at Springbrook High School in Silver Spring.

Now, some 14 months later, five injured athletes have filed civil lawsuits against MCPS accusing the school system of coming up short.

"I cry sometimes just thinking about it," said Jordan Gillespie, a former standout running back who is now in his freshman year at Bowie State University.



  1. They're only asking $75,000 for damages for each of them? This is a negligence suit. Shoot for the moon.
    And don't let the janitor take care of your gear. Or get one who can read a label.

  2. Or was it an accident?


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