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Friday, November 20, 2015

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence Holds Firm on Barring Syrian Refugees

Republican Indiana Gov. Mike Pence said Thursday that the Hoosier State would continue its ban on accepting Syrian refugees until "we have absolute assurance" that the federal government has strengthened its vetting process.

"As governor of the state of Indiana, and as you can see governors all across the United States, my responsibility is to see to the safety and security of my people," Pence told Jake Tapper on CNN. "And unless and until we have the absolute assurance that steps have been taken to determine the background, the identity and the intentions of people who are coming in as Syrian refugees, we'll keep that policy in Indiana in place."

Pence joined with governors from more than 30 states this week to halt Syrian refugee resettlements after last week's deadly Paris attacks.

Indiana has since turned away two families — one of which was accepted by Connecticut on Wednesday and another whose status remains in limbo, The Indianapolis Star reports.

That family of four was expected to arrive on Dec. 10.



  1. I know the perfect place to send all the possible refugees that are seeking asylum in the US. The screening process that is in place should stay the way it is but if our Muslim elect feels the need to bring them here lets set them up in style the White House should be the first stop for every one of them and i'm sure that if the President has any objections then maybe the congress should move forward with increased screening and the Governors that have expressed the feelings of their constituents to not allow any refugees into their communities should have it their way.

  2. He needs to mobilize the national guard too!


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