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Saturday, November 07, 2015

Hillary Rodham Clinton: The mistress of deception and her self-inflicted wounds

The self-inflicted wounds of Hillary Rodham Clinton just keep manifesting themselves. She has two serious issues that have arisen in the past week; one is political and the other is legal. Both have deception at their root.

Her political problem is one of credibility. We know from her emails that she informed her daughter Chelsea and the then-prime minister of Egypt within 12 hours of the murder of the U.S. ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, that he had been killed in Benghazi by Al Qaeda. We know from the public record that the Obama administration’s narrative blamed the killings of the ambassador and his guards on an anonymous crowd’s spontaneous reaction to an anti-Mohammad video.

Over this past weekend we learned that her own embassy staff in Tripoli told her senior staff in Washington the day after the killings that the video was not an issue, and very few Libyans had seen it. We also know from her emails that the CIA informed her within 24 hours of the ambassador’s murder that it had been planned by Al Qaeda 12 days before the actual killings.

Nevertheless, she persisted in blaming the video. When she received the bodies of Ambassador Stevens and his three bodyguards at Andrews Air Force base three days after their murders, she told the media and the families of the deceased assembled there that the four Americans had been killed by a spontaneous mob reacting to a cheap 15-minute anti-Mohammad video.



  1. It is very plain that this woman is mentally ill.

    A sociopath/psychopath.

    And yet she is on top in most polls.

    God help us.

  2. This woman is made of Teflon. Nothing sticks. Ladies let's not be so desperate to have the first woman president that we elect one in spite of her character. Look how well that worked for blacks!

  3. Like Rubio said, she has the biggest superpac in the nation, the main stream media.
    Hillary is and evil lying piece of @@@@ that should be being prosecuted right not.


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