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Saturday, November 21, 2015

Hillary Clinton's Laugh Factory Threats -- Why Did Her Campaign Want Comedians' Personal Contact Information?

The campaign actually threatened to shut the club down. 

Hillary Clinton’s campaign thought it was okay to order a comedy club not to make fun of her, which is obviously a totally normal thing to do. 

That is, if this if this were China. 

In case you haven’t heard, Hollywood’s Laugh Factory posted a three-minute video of comedians telling jokes about Hillary Clinton on its website. 

Yes . . . comedians making fun of a public figure. How outrageous! And by outrageous, I mean something that any presidential candidate should not just accept but expect because that’s the way it works.



  1. My wife and I laugh every time we see her old face with all the hidden wrinkles . She reminds me of my sister, she's and old bag and doesn't want to admit it.

  2. I'm so glad that the democrats are wasting time with this mental old hag.

  3. I'd like to know what the jokes were.

  4. So I guess the accusation of Hillary coming out as Gay after the election hit home.

  5. Hillary reminds me of one of our previous Salisbury mayors - paranoid and guilty.

  6. 7:32-I'm telling your sister what you said about her and she'll be pissed.


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