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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

He Did It AGAIN! Did Obama Just Inadvertantly Admit He’s A MUSLIM?!

Notice the usage of the term “we” in the following statement Obama made in a recent speech made in Turkey this week at the close of the G-20 Summit following the Paris attacks. You are NOT going to believe it…

“I think on the one hand non-Muslims cannot stereotype,” Obama said, “but I also think the Muslim community has to think about how we make sure that children are not being affected with this twisted notion that somehow they can kill innocent people.”

Notice how the word “we” is said with great emphasis. No Christian would ever talk this way. May I remind you that Obama has regularly attacked Christians and Christianity at every turn, including an obnoxious attack at national prayer breakfasts.



  1. Is Obama a Muslim? Possibly, he certainly seems to identify with them. Is he a Christian as he has repeatedly claimed? HELL, NO! A true Christian can be identified by his actions. Obama's actions scream Muslim!

  2. I have always believed he was a Muslim. How could he not?

  3. We do not have a religious test for President. He or she can be any religion. So this is moot point.

  4. Muslims should not be president because of their beliefs, sorry that is not PC but it is common sense. You do not want a person who thinks he should murder you if you don't worship his disgusting god, leading anything much less a country.

  5. I watched it live, and caught his 'we' comment immediately.

  6. Nothing PC about it 11:51, it is in the constitution.

  7. 11:51 is absolutely correct. This country was founded as a Christian nation and anyone who disagrees isn't worth a darn and should be dismissed and ridiculed as the complete waste of oxygen that they are, useless eaters not fit to breath the same air are REAL Americans.
    When the United States became a nation via the Paris Peace Treaty, it was done in the "name of the most holy and undivided Trinity." The holy Trinity is unique to Christianity.
    The Constitution honors the Christian Sabbath and the Christian Sabbath ONLY-not the Muslim "holy" day of Friday or the Jewish holy days Fri-Sat.
    "If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law,"

  8. So only Christians are real Americans 12:38? Talk about ignorant.

  9. There's going to be many things that come out about him that is unconstitutional. I blamed the Republicans for being too afraid to tell a black man NO!!

  10. NO 1:40 you are the ignorant one! The perfect example of an ignoramus. So completely ignorant that reading comprehension escapes your sorry behind. And that you are by allowing yourself to be do dumbed down. Please tell me you didn't multiply! The human race really needs to start breeding out the stupid gene!
    Now go back and reread the comment and do it slowly so maybe then you will get it. No where does is say that Christians are the only real Americans-NO WHERE- do you understand. It says-Einstein that this country was founded on Christian principles and whoever doesn't get this or refused to except the reality of this isn't worth a darn!

  11. Anyone CAN be president, but I, like so many other MILLIONS of people, don't think we should have a president who's religion calls for the murder of ANYONE, especially (in light of the First Amendment), those who do not adhere to the muslim religion.
    THAT, you liberal buffoon goofs, is common sense. Give it a try....
    You probably think a Christian president, no, sorry, a Christian DICTATOR, would work out just fine in Saudia Arabia?
    Damn. Some of you people, in your zealous endeavor to show the world how "tolerant" and "loving" and "accepting" you are, merely reveal just how blindly STUPID you can be.
    Why don't you let some young male Syrian "refugees" live at YOUR house for a few months??? Leave your family Bible out on your table....
    Uh huh. Right. Exactly.

    We'd find your head mounted on your mailbox. Courtesy of the religion of peace.
    Wake the f up. Being "nice" to them won't work. Ask France and Britain. Better yet, ask the family members of the ones who have been slaughtered by members religion of peace.

  12. " Anonymous said...

    So only Christians are real Americans 12:38? Talk about ignorant.

    November 24, 2015 at 1:40 PM"

    Seriously how you made the leap to what 12:38 said to "only Christians are real Americans" is puzzling to put it mildly. I think you need to take a look in the mirror so you can see what ignorant really and truly is because you may as well have it tattooed across you forehead.

  13. He doesn't have to admit it. Actions speak louder than words. There is no doubt he is a muslim traitor.


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