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Saturday, November 28, 2015

Glitter Beards Are Now a Thing and They Must Be Stopped

The most important issue of our time.

The most recent ​offense to taste and style comes in the form of the #glitterbeard: a disconcerting "trend" on social media that asks men to dip their beards into glitter, presumably to promote some misguided form of the holiday spirit. (Side note: can we please stop with the silly fake grooming trends on social media, guys?)



  1. So what?
    If they're dumb enough to do something like that, let 'em do it.

  2. This is as feminine as the man bun...If you sport a man bun then you might as well go for it because you are already way down the road to homosexuality.

  3. Looks like sparkly vomit.

  4. Try it out in prison and see how that works out.


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