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Friday, November 20, 2015

Gingrich: De-fund Obama's Syrian Refugee Program

(CNSNews) - The Obama administration’s plan to bring thousands of Syrian refugees into the U.S. should be de-funded, according to Newt Gingrich. The former House Speaker says Congress “should cut off the funding and say – absolutely no.”

Gingrich made the comments while appearing on WMAL’s "Mornings on The Mall" radio program on Tuesday.

“This is a clear case where Congress should cut off the funding and say – absolutely no. We’re not going to allow the president to spend taxpayer money bringing in people who may well be terrorists,” Gingrich said.

“Let’s start with the number one fact about the Paris attack –there were eight terrorists who killed 129 people and wounded over 300 – eight.”

“Now the president says, ‘well we can bring in 20,000 because we’re going to vet them’ – first of all, that’s a lie, we do not have the intelligence information to vet these people,” Gingrich continued. “Let’s say we have only a one percent error rate –that would be 200. That’s 25 times the number it took to commit the Paris massacre.”



  1. Always the smartest man in the room and always will be

  2. Better safe than sorry.

  3. Maybe with Boehner out of the way Ryan might. Got to get rid of McConnell and then maybe real reform will happen.


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