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Friday, November 20, 2015

Former Hagerstown dentist gets probation in sexual solicitation case

A former Hagerstown dentist on Thursday was sentenced to a five-year suspended prison term and ordered to serve two years of probation for trying to solicit sex from a minor at a Washington County motel in 2013.

Before making his ruling in Washington County Circuit Court, visiting Judge James L. Sherbin suggested Vaqar Choudry, 44, of Germantown, Md., had suffered enough.

The judge said Choudry already lost his dental practice, paid a $35,000 fine and spent more than 90 days in jail as a result of the crime.

"Your life is over," Sherbin said.

Choudry also was ordered to stay away from children unless they are in the presence of other adults.



  1. Guess he spent too much time at Subway.

  2. Probation. Yeah, that'll teach him.

  3. And...."he'd suffered enough."

    This is where personal judgments not based on case law and precedent, lead to injustice and inequities.

  4. Why does Ms Ballsac seem to be so much smarter than everyone else including the judge?


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