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Friday, November 13, 2015

Female officers outraged after treated equally to male counterparts

A lawsuit currently headed to federal court claims physical fitness tests issued by police departments are discriminatory towards women.

The incident began when 12 female officers, all over the age of 40, failed to meet the Colorado Springs Police Department’s physical requirements, which include performing 52 push-ups and 45 sit-ups in four minutes time and two running exams.

Responding to the ongoing lawsuit, the department announced this week that officers would be exempt from such tests for the remainder of the year at minimum.



  1. same thing happened at wcdc. it didn't last long.

  2. boo hoo...it's equality. Now get on the floor and get "equal"!

  3. Yes we must lower the standards for women. If the one pictured gets much bigger she will need her own zip code.

  4. We should adopt TEXAS' gun laws...

  5. If women expect to be paid the same as men, why not have the same physical exercise standards?

  6. Are those girl push-ups or regular push-ups?


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