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Thursday, November 12, 2015

FBI Steps Up Inquiries in Clinton Email Probe

As Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton tries to put questions about her private email server to rest, Politico reports that the FBI has stepped up inquiries into the security of the former Secretary of State's server as well as the communication between aides.

"This sounds to me like it's more than a preliminary inquiry; it sounds like a full-blown investigation," said Tom Fuentes, former assistant director of the FBI. "When you have this amount of resources going into it …. I think it's at the investigative level."

Though the FBI has declined to comment on their examination, Politico reports that the agency has interviewed insignificant individuals who corresponded with Clinton in an attempt to determine the security of the sever.

According to former FBI and Justice officials, the agency is tasked with trying to prove two things: "whether the use of an outside email system posed any risks to national security secrets and if so, if anyone was responsible for exposing classified information."


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