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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Family fights to stay clean after baby born addicted to methadone

BALTIMORE —Addiction to opiates often destroys relationships and has a major impact on communities. A wakeup call came a few weeks ago for a Maryland family struggling to beat the odds and stay clean no matter what it takes.

 A recent Washington Post-University of Maryland poll found nearly three in 10 Marylanders say they have a family member or close friend addicted to opiates.

Amanda Brune and her boyfriend, Michael George, have a huge responsibility resting on their shoulders. It will require them to change old habits so their daughter, Isabella George, can have a successful life. She entered the world addicted to methadone and spent her first few days of life at the Mount Washington Pediatric Hospital.

"She went through withdrawal bad. She had the shakes, just like normal withdrawal in an adult," Brune said.

Doctors gave Isabella morphine and clonidine to help with her symptoms.


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