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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Donald Trump Was Right…Muslims Celebrated 9/11 in Jersey City

While everyone and his brother (Or transgender sister) have been jumping on the bandwagon, saying Donald Trump lied about seeing people on TV celebrating the downing of the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001. I have not found the tape ye6t, but I do have a newspaper article from September 18, 2001 from the Washington Post.

In Jersey City, within hours of two jetliners’ plowing into the World Trade Center, law enforcement authorities detained and questioned a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks and holding tailgate-style parties on rooftops while they watched the devastation on the other side of the river.



  1. Old news. That's why they ALL should be rounded up and sent to Syria. Putin can do what our POS president won't.

  2. I remember seeing that on TV. Live. And not just in the US, Europe, too.

  3. The commie media is stil trying to take Trump down with this one even though they know full well The Washington Post had the story.

  4. Like I aid before , the Kuran is the same for all muslims , kill the ones who don't accept islam , the cult.
    Musilms are the target.

  5. I remember seeing it on TV, too. One would think that the media would remember it, given that they're, well... the media.

  6. Trump
    What you seen was 100s of Palestinian radicals on tv celebrating on 911 admit it was not in nj and move on Who is advising you ? Because it sounds like you want to lose?.

  7. 10:49 AM - There were videos taken from across the Hudson (NJ) of people whooping it up while the Towers were on fire in the background.

    1. Not thousands.Trump was wrong but he refuses to admit it, and i am pro trump, but he needs to stop this BS.

    2. YOUTUBE IT and post it then,

  8. Of course, they could have been Realtors.

  9. This is why we need the Trump card. map


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