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Saturday, November 28, 2015

Dear Christians, Now Is The Time For Intolerance

You may have noticed that progressives have zero tolerance for apostasy.

If you blaspheme their gods or deny their dogmas or commit any sort of heresy against what they hold sacred, they will punish you. They will boycott you. They will rally against you. They will scream and shout and hang labels like “bigot” and “homophobe” and “transphobe” around your neck. They will destroy your reputation, if necessary, and your career, and your entire life if they can. They do not believe that non-progressive ideas have a fundamental right to exist, nor do they think any form of non-progressive expression should be excused.

They will challenge everything. They are unforgiving and unrelenting. They do not suffer blasphemers gladly; they would much rather make the blasphemer suffer. In that way, they are strikingly similar to jihadists, which might partly explain why progressives seem to understand and sympathize with that group.

Now compare them to Christians in this country. Contrast how we react to blasphemy to how they do. There’s certainly quite a bit more of the anti-Christian type to go around, and it’s always significantly more vicious, targeted, and intentional. Just last week, for instance, the hit ABC show “Scandal” aired an episodewhere the protagonist got an abortion. It was meant to be an inspiring, climactic, even festive moment. During the procedure “Silent Night” played in the background.

Did you get that?

Maybe I should pause here.


1 comment:

  1. Anyone can bash Christians and get away with it. Christ Himself said they will hate us because they hated them. People don't want to be told the truth because they'd have to change their lifestyles they've grown so comfortable in.


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