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Monday, November 09, 2015

DEA: Mexican Gangs 'Remain Greatest Criminal Drug Threat to the US'

"Mexican transnational criminal organizations (TCOs) remain the greatest criminal drug threat to the United States; no other group can challenge them in the near term," says the 2015 National Drug Threat Assessment released on Wednesday by the Drug Enforcement Administration.

"These Mexican poly-drug organizations traffic heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine, and marijuana throughout the United States, using established transportation routes and distribution networks," the report says.

The Mexican TCOs serve primarily as wholesale suppliers, and they work with thousands of local, U.S.-based gangs to distribute the drugs at the retail level.

And these Mexican criminal enterprises may be coming to a neighborhood near you:



  1. At least there crappy dirt weed is falling off the map now that you can buy high grade and legal in this country. If you are buying Mexican dirt weed with seeds tell your dealer to grow up and stop supporting the Mexicans.

  2. Those "criminal enterprises" have been here for about fifteen years. For half that long they were ignored by Mayor Tilghman, Chief Webster and the Dream Team city council.
    You can't ignore your crime problem. Most people don't feel safe from crime here. And the ones that do probably shouldn't.

    It's sounds stupid to say that we have too much crime because we have too many criminals, but when you think about it, what is it that makes a person become a criminal, and why do we have so many people here who are?

  3. Maybe high on the list of threats, but the greatest criminal threat is the USG and 'the Bankers'.

  4. "... what is it that makes a person become a criminal, and why do we have so many people here who are?"

    A subculture that condones or even approves of low expectations?
    An education system that's been castrated?
    A government that keeps on coddling?
    The list goes on and on.

  5. They wouldn't be such a threat if it weren't for the users. The Dopefends of America is what keeping them in business.


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