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Sunday, November 29, 2015

DC To Honor Crack Smoking Ex-Mayor With Statue and School

The District of Columbia marked the one year anniversary of former Mayor Marion Barry’s death with the announcement that it will build a statue of Barry outside City Hall.

A commission brought together by Mayor Muriel Bowser culled a list of 30 suggestions on how to commemorate Barry, a longtime D.C. politician who gained wide noteriety after he was caught smoking crack in a hotel room, down to just four.

Those ideas, according to Bowser, reflect the areas where Barry had the largest impact on the city — youth, education, community and government.

So to honor Barry, the city plans to erect a statue in front of City Hall, rename a road in his honor, rename Frank W. Ballou Senior High School in Ward 8 where Barry served as a council member and name the new student center at the University of the District of Columbia after Barry.



  1. But these fools want to take down confederate genralstatues f them,take his thug ass down.

    1. I agree! I will take a Confederate Hero any day!!

  2. This is what I mean about these FOOLS!!! Just when you think they can't get any lower- BAAMM!!! I don't care what these idiotic, welfare,lowlife, POS do. Just don't use tax payers money to do it.

  3. What a waste of money, air and print...need to post a picture with him in between Jackson and Sharpton!

  4. "Bitch set me up" should be the inscription on the base.

  5. November is supposed to be Native American Month... not Degenerate Month

  6. Have him smoking Crack on the statue.

  7. I only need to ask this question to the black community.
    How are your policies and goals going to make your lives better?
    Think about it.

  8. I wonder what the school colors will be. And the school song. And the school logo. And the school mascot. There should be a competition.

    1. WTH are you talking about with Schools?

    2. WTH are you talking about with Schools?

  9. This offends me I want it taken as soon as it goes up

  10. So to honor Barry, the city plans to erect a statue in front of City Hall, rename a road in his honor, rename Frank W. Ballou Senior High School in Ward 8 where Barry served as a council member and name the new student center at the University of the District of Columbia after Barry.

  11. I hope that it's a road to nowhere, which is where he took DC.

  12. "Frank W. Ballou High School has been serving the Ward Eight community since 1960. Frank W. Ballou High School opened in 1960. It is named after Dr. Frank Washington Ballou who was elected the seventh superintendent of the D.C. Public Schools in 1920. He served as superintendent until 1943. During his tenure as superintendent, he affected many changes and established new positions throughout the school system.

    Ballou continues to build a successful legacy due to the knowledgeable staff who is dedicated to empowering every student to choose their own path upon graduation. Ballou offers Advanced Placement classes to give our college-bound students a competitive edge. Career preparation and technical classes ensure that those same students receive a well-rounded education.

    Ballou High School has a proud legacy of excellence. A nationally recognized marching band, competitive robotics team, and athletic teams that consistently prove that Ballou Knights are a force to be reckoned with, are a source of pride for students and staff."

    Well, with the name change to Marion Barry High School, that legacy will be changed, won't it.

    The school mascot should be a sloth. The school song: "Some Entrapment Evening!", and the school motto, "Gimme, Gimme, Gimme."

  13. no other God before me , especially this satanic sob

  14. Just rename a street corner where drug dealers and hookers hang out after him.

  15. I've been trying to figure what the hell blacks want , been thinking about this for years. I do understand they want fair and equal judgment like EOE etc. , that's all good .
    Anyway , this is my idea , like D.C. , we should give them a city , the whole city . If they are successful , then we can move on to the next step. However , when they accept this city , they are on their own for all decisions , no help from anyone or any country.
    We will be building statues for all these guys , good example is the mayor of Baltimore. The best we can hope for is another Mrs. O'leary's cow.

  16. Just goes to show how corrupt that damn town is.

  17. Thou shalt have no other Gods before me

  18. Name some Marion Barry accomplishments that made DC better. Anyone?

  19. The liberal media props him up ...The soft bigotry of low expectations.

  20. Sorry! No, No we do not and will not have any racist statues when some are trying to remove Thomas Jefferson's from college compasses.

  21. This was posted by the high school football team.

    Ballou HS Football ‏@BallouKnightFB Nov 24
    Renaming Frank W. Ballou HS to Marion Barry Preparatory HS would not be a bad idea. @dcpublicschools @HendersonKaya

  22. he was good for street corner commerce, his way of helping the economy

  23. This is why they have the opinion only Black lives matter. Don't forget all his womanizing, tax cheating, and crack trips in public. What a disgrace yes bring back all the Confederate Flags and fly them high!


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