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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Critical Times and Locations for Deer Crashes in Sussex County

The Delaware State Police have investigated 741 crashes in the Sussex County area in the last 30 days with 189 or 26% of the total crashes being animal or deer-related. 

24 of the 189 animal or deer-related crashes occurred in the 6:00 a.m. hour (Dawn)

23 crashes occurred in the 5:00 p.m. hour (Dusk)

105 of the animal or deer-related crashes occurred between 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. hours

Overall, many of these animal or deer-related crashes occurred along the main corridors of SR 1, U.S. Route 13 and U.S. Route 113 during the 6:00 a.m. hour and
During the 5:00 p.m. hour, almost all of the crashes were on ‘secondary’ roads.

Please be careful when traveling and keep a sharp eye out for deer crossing roadways, especially at dusk. Deer are even more active due to their annual mating season ‘rut’ in November with bucks chasing doe through fields, marshes and woods. The average white-tailed deer in Delaware weighs about 130 pounds, with larger bucks tipping the scales at 180 pounds or more. With the increased white-tailed deer activity, Delaware motorists are kindly reminded to stay alert and to be ready for a deer to dart out into the roadway from dusk to dawn.

A deer crash can result in serious injury or death to you or your passengers as well as serious damage to your vehicle.

Safety Tips That May Help Prevent Deer Crashes

Attentive driving with slower speeds are the best ways to avoid deer collisions.
Turn your headlights on at dawn and dusk and keep your eyes on the road, scanning the sides of the road as well as what’s ahead of you. When there is no oncoming traffic, switch to high beams to better reflect the eyes of deer on or near the roadway.
To reduce your risk of injury in a collision, always wear your seatbelt.
Be especially aware of any distractions that might take your eyes off the road.
Watch for “Deer Crossing” signs that mark commonly-traveled areas, and be aware that deer typically cross between areas of cover, such as woods or where roads divide agricultural fields from woods.
If you see a deer crossing the road ahead, slow down immediately and proceed with caution until you are past the crossing point. Deer usually travel in groups, so if you see one deer, there are likely to be others.
Slow down and blow your horn with one long blast to frighten deer away. Do not rely on devices such as deer whistles, deer fences and reflectors to deter deer, as these devices have not been proven to reduce deer-vehicle collisions.
Do not swerve to miss a deer – brake and stay in your lane. Losing control of your vehicle, crossing into another lane, hitting an oncoming vehicle or leaving the roadway and hitting another obstacle such as a tree or a pole is likely to be much more serious than hitting a deer.
If you hit a deer, stop at the scene, get your car off the road if possible and call police. Do not touch the animal or get too close. “A frightened and wounded deer can cause serious injury to a well-meaning person trying to ‘help.’ You could be bitten, kicked or even gored by a buck’s antlers. Keep a safe distance and wait for Troopers to arrive.

The Delaware State Police issue this traffic advisory and wish you a safe and Happy Holiday Season as you travel.


  1. Most of these accidents involving deer can be avoided if your try using your periphery vision instead of talking on your cell, putting on make up or texting.

  2. 8:27, I know MANY people who hit deer well before cell phones were ever invented.

  3. People just don't pay attention to what is going on around them while driving. I've lived in the country for 40 years and never hit a deer and no one else in our family has. We were taught to scan the side of the road and fields for deer during the high accident times and to slow down. i point deer out to people while I'm driving and they never realized they were there. Too busy thinking about something other than driving.

  4. You are correct Mr. Albero , I hit a deer before cell phones were in vented . However , I did say "most" , not all .

  5. The challenge we face in these days are cell phones and texting and this is a problem during day light hours . Shaving and putting on make-up drinking are also issues.
    I know the deer are in rut now , I drive 25 miles from Nanticoke to the Bury , so far so good with a few near misses . I've learned over the years . It's your life drive ,defensively .

  6. Definitely, never ever swerve to miss the animal! Not only are you risking running off the road and hitting something worse, or running into a ditch, but you do not want to be charged with "failure to maintain control of vehicle" in a "single car accident". If there isn't obviously deer blood all over the place, and a carcass laying there, the cop is going to assume you weren't paying attention, and carelessly lost control.

    Not only will you get a nasty fine, but your insurance is going to go through the roof.


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