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Monday, November 09, 2015

Congress Demands Abbas Stop Inciting Terror

A full 369 members of the House of Representatives issued a stern letter to Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday, demanding that he stop inciting terrorism.

The letter was released by House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) and ranking member of the committee Eliot Engel (D-NY), reports Associated Press.

In addition to asking Abbas to stop inciting terror, the Congressmen called on him to condemn the terror wave and renew direct peace negotiations with Israel, and to continue security cooperation with the IDF.

In the letter they directly accused Abbas and other PA officials of inciting terrorism, and warned that unless calm is restored there is little chance for a "two state solution."

More here


  1. Lol that's funny writing a letter to terrorist supporters.

  2. Wow!! A stern letter. I bet they are shaking in their boots. LMAO!!!!--

  3. Lol don't crosd that red line.

  4. Maybe they should right letters to all our enemies , please don't hurt us or we will notify all of our allies , all 2 of them.


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