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Friday, November 06, 2015

Can You Spot The Mistakes?

There are 3 mistakes on this picture that MSNBC was using.  Can you find them?


  1. Wrong names by pictures. Totals add up to 78%

  2. They keep trying to make Trump look like he is dropping in the polls.

  3. Anonymous said...
    Totals add up to 78%

    November 6, 2015 at 10:45 AM

    They are not going to add up because there are supporters of the others not pictured.

  4. I believe they have Cruz pictured twice, once by Rubio's name.

  5. It's MSNBC what did you expect?

  6. Coming from MSNBC I'm surprised they spelled "poll" correctly.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    Totals add up to 78%

    November 6, 2015 at 10:45 AM

    They are not going to add up because there are supporters of the others not pictured.

    November 6, 2015 at 12:00 PM

    Correct, there are multiple other candidates. It won't add up to 100% since only the top 5 are listed.


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