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Thursday, November 12, 2015

Can Europe Survive This Invasion?

“A modern day mass migration is taking place … that could change the face of Europe’s civilization,” warned Hungarian President Viktor Orban.

“If that happens, that is irreversible. … There is no way back from a multicultural Europe,” said Orban. “If we make a mistake now, it will be forever.”

Orban acted on his beliefs. He erected a 110-mile fence on the Serb border, redirecting hundreds of thousands of migrants away from Hungary to Croatia, thence to Austria and Germany.

Sunday, after a third of a million had passed through, Croatia replaced a center-left with a rightist party. A fortnight ago, the right-wing eurosceptic Law and Justice Party won a landslide victory in Poland.

Support for Angela Merkel, who has opened Germany to a million migrants, is plummeting. Bavaria’s CSU, sister party of Merkel’s CDU, is in rebellion. Bavaria has been the main port of entry for the hundreds of thousands of arriving migrants.

Europe is undergoing the greatest mass migration since World War II, when 14 million Germans were driven out of Prussia and eastern Germany and Central and Eastern Europe.

That mass migration halted after two years. But no end is in sight to the migrations from Africa and the Middle East.

As long as Europe’s borders remain open, they will come.

More here


  1. now they will feel what its like to be America.

  2. And it won't. Thanks to the generous aid lavished on Africa, their natural mortality rates have plummeted, both fertility and fecundity are up, their average lifespans have jumped up, and overpopulation is worse than ever.

    So 100 million excess tribesmen head out for an easier life where nobody has to build their own shelter, sharpen spears, plow, hunt down food or harvest it, and the natives are not just unarmed but forced by their chieftains to yield to them a grudging welcome.

    Do the EU leaders think that's the end of it?

    That there aren't more Africans, more Syrians and Iraqis and more Muslims, being born every minute, to add to that marching line of cultural devastation?

    These are not people who admire and respect the German, Swedish, French, or Austrian cultures, and want to assimilate into society. These are people who want to be Somalians, Syrians, Zulus, Hutus, and so on...but somewhere that doesn't require personal investment in their own well-being.

    Not only has the tide of invasion just begun, but the sinking of European culture, the pinnacle of human intellectualism, modern thought and fine art, will be accelerated once these people settle in, start demanding their ways and customs take precedence, and start breeding.

    A 100 million of them now...will mean another 200 million within 10 or 15 years.

    And meanwhile, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Dubai...don't take a single one of their "brethren".

  3. Nope. They don't have the fortitude to deal with it in the manner it needs to be.

  4. They allowed it to happen
    Sad to say they will never be the same
    They have become the next middle east


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