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Sunday, November 01, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: South Carolina officer fired over his handling of student arrest

Richland County sheriff fires Senior Deputy Ben Fields after a video shows the officer throwing a disruptive student to the classroom floor during an arrest in a Columbia high school.


  1. Replies
    1. Huge fight x100 people last night by SU, Rocks thrown at cops , how does the mayor feel about this .

    2. Nothing . . It's not on his agenda. Too busy worrying about the election

  2. Cops need to call in sick for a week if this was a white girlvthe media would Never have brought this up,this is just more Obama blm BS.

    1. No its more abusive cops who run on emotions instead of common sense and training.
      White Republican

  3. officers should just tell the schools to handle problem idiot thugs.

  4. How was he supposed to remove the student? Everything i saw looked right. should they have left a distruptive student in the classroom after the Teacher, Principal, and the Officer confronted her? what kind of example would that present to the other students in the class room? An officer being called to the class room in my day would have been the extreme end... and in this case it was held off until last. He warned her that he was going to remove her if she didnt comply. She grasped the desk in an attempt to keep from being removed, and she physically hit the officer. Any physical contact on an officer is automatic asswoopin, no matter the age. it seems she was old enough to drive, does she act this way with cops on the road?

  5. One more reason the little savages act like animals...because they know no one can discipline them, not even the cops. Now I am no cop lover and they need to be held accountable, but these kids, and especially black kids act ignorant. I am the spouse of a teacher looking for a new career and the stories are the same everyday. If I were that cop, that little beast would be in the hospital. Send them all home and let the parent deal with them.

    1. Who are you calling a savage. What is wrong with you. This happen to a child. What if this happen to your child.

    2. My child would OBEY the teacher in the first place. GET IT??? GOT IT?? GOOD!!

    3. 2:50 Agreed! The kid had no right to disrupt the other kids' right to their education. Or to disobey the LAWFUL command of an officer.

      Guarantee the parent(s) of this spoiled, belligerent girl will be announcing their impending lawsuit. Because it's all about the money. It always is, with people like that

      I'm starting to believe they are deliberately training their kids to set up scenes like this, in hopes of scoring a cash payout.

    4. YES its called Reparations.

  6. Another officer gets screwed. Pretty soon police will no longer protect us but will investigate everything after the fact.

    Thank you BO. I am not sure we can make it another 15 months.

    1. 100% correct i also don't know how america is not going to erupt of the obama agenda then again thats what he wants.

    2. What do you need protection from. You got guns, bullets, beer and drugs. What do you need protection from.

    3. 2:31 is there some kind of point you're trying to make? Because that statement is completely nonsensical.

  7. There was a video on the news this morning of a school principal that was body slammed while trying to break up a fight in the school lunchroom. Two questions:
    1. Will the students involved be "fired" from school?
    2. Will the justice department get involved?

  8. Not good news. I'm sure there will be police officers standing down or calling in sick in protest over this.

  9. lets fix the race problem Take out all police from the schools and let the kids do what ever they want. Then let the schools deal with it I bet it gets worse

  10. Trust the local principals around here are allowing the kids w/ ieps & 504 s to have their ways in the classroom & punishing kids who protect themselves from them &/or dnt report as they said to & still not protecting them. Bennett high should have been the place to house all the defiant trouble making bullies who make other kids & teachers lives hell in the class room. Let em disrespect each other together

  11. Look I am usually for the officer. It's tough to have them do their job if they are worried about being sued or worse...but this guy went wayyyyyyyyy to far. He could have handled the situation in a much less hostile manner. Maybe he did need to use force, but not as much as he did. You make the statement, "If this girl were white..." but put yourself in her parents shoes. If this were your child, would you be saying the same thing? I highly doubt it. (Let me guess: "If this were my child he/she would not act this way.")If she had physically harmed someone I could see using this amount of force, but for being a kid who was in trouble for being on her cell phone in class this is not appropriate what so ever.

  12. This is a kid who did not physically harm anyone...what is wrong with you all?

    1. You and people like you are the problem. You must be a fantastic parent? ?? NOT!!

  13. this is a kid that has no bring up and does not obey anyone she will end up pregnant and will be a drop out government welfare hands up dont shoot nothing

  14. One of the 3 videos shows according to an investigator on CNN the officer trying to stand her up by her upper arm and she then punched or tried to punch him. This is exactly why these kids in these low income crime ridden areas don't amount to anything other than criminals. It should never have gotten this far because when the teacher the first time instructed her to put the phone away she should have done it. A teacher should never have to tell a student to not break a rule more than once.

  15. I'm just wondering how long before they start rioting down there. You know it's coming as they look for any excuse to steal and commit other crimes.

  16. Cops are scared. They weren't doing their jobs in the past. Now, they are scared of losing their jobs today. So, they are claiming they can't do their job now. I say, get out of the field of law enforcement if you can't do your job in a professional way. Tax payers pay you to do a job. If you can't be fair, professional, color blind, safe, respectful, role model and etc; get out of the field. Fraternal Order of Police good 'Ole Boy system of things is no longer needed.


  17. This criminal-in-training created, provoked, and maintained this situation by refusing lawful and reasonable orders by authorities. It was unsuccessfully reasoned with by the teacher and another school administrator before the officer was brought in to resolve the situation... then the officer tried to reason with it and gave it every opportunity to peacefully and properly comply...
    The officer warned the criminal-in-training he would have to physically remove it, when he attempted to it struck him..whereupon he physically removed it..
    Both the teacher and principle said the force was reasonable and required.
    Was the rest of the class supposed to stand around for hours until the criminal-in-training decided to stop blocking the class?
    The left seems determined to continue it's war on police, and war on law and order and the black race is following right along in line like the good little all obeying slaves to the democrat party that they really are.

  18. How about use good judgment, was this 11 year old (or whatever age) really a threat to harm him? She is sitting in class. I agree she should have handled herself more accordingly but to slam her on the ground and throw her across the room is totally unfounded and uncalled for. I wouldn't want my child in a school with this officer and I am sure the ones on here complaining would be the first to call for his firing if this were their kid. This is absolutely ridiculous and I really could care less what you try to say in his defense.

    1. She is a teen thug who obviously has been listening to her mom who can't stand authority.

    2. She was a large 16 year old.

      Not a "poor little girl".

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    This criminal-in-training created, provoked, and maintained this situation by refusing lawful and reasonable orders by authorities. It was unsuccessfully reasoned with by the teacher and another school administrator before the officer was brought in to resolve the situation... then the officer tried to reason with it and gave it every opportunity to peacefully and properly comply...
    The officer warned the criminal-in-training he would have to physically remove it, when he attempted to it struck him..whereupon he physically removed it..
    Both the teacher and principle said the force was reasonable and required.
    Was the rest of the class supposed to stand around for hours until the criminal-in-training decided to stop blocking the class?
    The left seems determined to continue it's war on police, and war on law and order and the black race is following right along in line like the good little all obeying slaves to the democrat party that they really are.

    She isn't breaking the law....this is a classroom.

  20. She was breaking the law 2:56. She was refusing to obey a lawful order by a sworn law enforcement official by refusing to leave the classroom. She was under arrest and had been informed she was under arrest and when the officer tried to lift her up off the chair (because she still wasn't obeying the lawful order) she attempted to hit him.
    Your FYI for today-It IS UNLAWFUL to willfully fail or refuse to comply WITH a lawful order, signal or direction of a peace officer AND it doesn't matter if that lawful order was giving in a classroom, a barroom, a locker room, etc, it applies and IS against the law i.e "breaking the law....". Understand?

  21. This has nothing to do with race,and everything to do with a bad cop.Every other department has one of these guys and despite this officers record of FEDERAL lawsuits and complaints filed by students against him,he actually got an award last year.It is not only black students who have filed complaints against him either.
    As for the school administration,they are a bunch of wimps.How much trouble would it be to walk up to this girls desk and take the phone out of her hand and be done with it? Furthermore,if I did the same thing to my child in my home,the police would come for ME and I would be in a heap of trouble....

  22. 2:56 She was "breaking the law" for failing to obey the order to leave the classroom and was told she was under arrest. DUH! What do you think, that laws don't apply when you are in a classroom? Which one of your orifices did you pull that dumb statement out of? You win the dumbest comment of the day award! You can't be arrested because "this is a classroom." Surely YOU are a product of the dumbed down US "education" system.

  23. "She isn't breaking the law....this is a classroom.

    October 28, 2015 at 2:56 PM"

    Huh? Makes no difference where she was. When the cop tells her to get up and leave and she didn't she was in fact breaking a law.
    If you are at a concert and have your cell phone out video taping the show and security catches you and tells you to leave, you don't and the cops are called and they tell you to leave and you don't you have broken the law and can be forcibly made to leave and charged for not listening to the cops. This goes to anywhere you might be even in your own home if you get into a domestic and cops say leave and you don't.

  24. You are completely sane and rational.

  25. What a shame that the teacher is unable to maintain discipline in the classroom and has to rely on the police to enforce the rules. I've read elsewhere that Deputy Fields has had other complaints filed against him (for which he was exonerated) but it sounds like there's a pattern of behavior. What's this country coming to? We're throwing children around (not demons 1:49), and restraining autistic children with zip ties and handcuffs.

  26. Joe, do your research and correct this article for this little girl. She's is an orphan. And, she did receive injuries, especially in the face because of the brutality
    It is up to you to make this right for the little girl.

  27. Check out nydailynews.com

    1. As if the cop knew she was a orpan,Fool.

  28. This "child" is old enough to know right from wrong. Our schools are out of control. If she refused to follow the Principals request - expel her. She does not belong in the classroom if she is going to disrupt it. And NO - MY child knows better than to act like this. She would certainly pay for her mistake should she be so STUPID to behave in such a way. If the Principal expelled my child for such behavior, I would agree with the punishment.

  29. "Anonymous said...

    My child would OBEY the teacher in the first place. GET IT??? GOT IT?? GOOD!!

    October 28, 2015 at 2:50 PM"

    I get it but no sense trying to make them get it. They are the same ones who when their kid ends up murdered are howling like a bunch of lunatics just escaped from the asylum. Too stupid to see the handwriting on the wall with their demon evil kid who refused to respect any authority and then sit around like dopes wondering why the kid got murdered. Lack of respect for the authority of a teacher is the first sign of losing the kid to the streets.
    And FOR YOUR INFORMATION 3:24 a teacher or an admin is NOT allowed to touch a student or take anything from them. This is why these bad schools have to have LE in them. Know your facts before running that mouth of yours. You are not a know it all you know!
    3:39 yes what is this world coming to when people like you are taking up for this demon and others like her who are making the classrooms into training camps for future criminals. The only shame is that there are horrid people like YOU in this world. A damn shame. And yes you a an extremely horrid person. Kids like her make it impossible for others to learn.

  30. I don't think the officer did wrong at all. The officer being fired just fuels the fire of the "I don't have to respect authority in any form crowd." The teenager, who certainly was not eleven, was asked to leave the class by the teacher. She refused. She was then asked to leave the class by the administrator/principal. She refused again. She was then asked to leave by the officer before there was any type of struggle. She once again refused. What is the rest of the class supposed to do while all the attention is on her. Just sit there and waste a class learning period because SHE doesn't have to respect or respond to authority. I certainly would not think so but now the public is all up in arms about it and she will be a "poor little child" who was slammed to the ground by this HUGH police officer. She should have been slammed. And yes, if it were my child the same would apply. However, my child would not respond to authority in that manner.

    I saw a video the other day where a WHITE kid was shot and killed by an officer after first refusing to respect authority. The old, "Are you detaining me officer, and for what. I haven't done anything wrong, and no, I don't have to show you my license and registration." Then things progressed and before it was over the kid was dead. Had he respected the authority in the first place he would still be alive.

    Do I think he deserved to die for that? No. But, he cannot be just allowed to not obey the law. He is the one who escalated the situation to the place where he lost his life. She also cannot be just allowed to disobey the authority of the school system. I don't always agree with all of the laws but I do recognize that IF we want a civilized society we cannot just all run amuck. When we don't have police officers anymore and no one wants to apply for the job WE will be the ones that will pay the price for the ones who believe they can do what they want, when they want to, to whomever they want to.

  31. Think this noncompliance isn't happening here in Wicomico County Public Schools? Think again! Last week a Wi Middle teacher had to have emergency spinal surgery after being severely injured by a violent student she has had to deal with. Students roam the halls of Bennett High all day long and curse out teachers and staff when told to go to their classes. There were 5 fights at Bennett High today alone. Ask the special Ed staff at Pinehurst how many teachers have suffered injuries from students. They will tell you broken arms, fractured ribs, bruises, and concussions. The classroom teachers have no authority in our schools anymore thanks to new laws and regulations that ban suspending special Ed and black students. This is truly a crisis that is being covered up. You would think that at least the teachers union would stand up for these teachers but after research I see they actually support these policies.

  32. Making the classrooms into training camps for criminals is exactly right. It's absolutely without any doubt that anyone taking up for her is as equally demonic as she is.
    We shouldn't even have to have cops in classrooms but it's because of ghetto scum like her that it is necessary. When the teacher said to put the phone away she should have put it away. The reality is she should never have taken it out in the first place but these ghetto hood rats think they don't have to follow the rules.

  33. I hope all that hate police never call them help. Food for thought. She was so wrong. What would you have done and how would you react? map

  34. Obama she is looking for a invite to the WhiteHouse.?

  35. She should NOT have been on her cell phone in the classroom at all and the teacher should not have allowed anyone to have their cell phones on during class period. Any baby that doesn't want to listen to instruction should be given an automatic failure grade for that class that day and removed to the principal's office.

    The kids are disrespectful and rude to each other and the teachers who are trying to train them to be able to actually function in society. The teachers get no thanks, all they get is physical and verbal abuse each and every day. The parents if the kid has any parents aren't engaged in the child's education nor do they participate with correction. But you reprimand the kid, and the so-called parents come out of the woodwork to abuse and accuse the teacher. I've heard them scream and curse at the teachers and it makes me sick to see and hear the trash.

    The kids have no respect for themselves, each other, or anybody else. They act out what they are exposed to, home life, gangster movies, trash talking, etc. Maybe a few days cooling off in a jail cell with some hardcore criminals might scare them straight for a change. They appreciate nothing, because they have no vested investment in anything. They get everything given to them, grades are lowered so they will pass, test scores are dumbed down so they can pass, if they actually worked for something, they might see they have more on the ball then they thought.

  36. That is a shame 5:04 and to think the demons on this post who are taking up for YES these criminals in training. Only a horrid disgusting piss poor example of a human being would take up for her. Then they wonder why the streets are war zones too stupid to figure out that it starts with this kind of disrespect.

  37. I've been saying it all along, the public schools are nothing more than pre detention centers. More parents than not aren't really parents at all just baby machines in it for what they can get out of the system by having more kids.

  38. Oh yea obama will invite her to the white house. Ghetto meets ghetto. The next president is going to have to get that place fumigated to rid it of the putrid stench that are the obamas. It's gross just thinking you'd have to breath the same air as the ghetto obamas did. They are nasty people. Ugly both inside and out.

  39. "Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Who are you calling a savage. What is wrong with you. This happen to a child. What if this happen to your child.

    October 28, 2015 at 2:30 PM"

    Nope would never happen to my child. Yours because your comment shows what a piss poor example of a parent you are. It's nauseating that anyone would take up for this disruptive SAVAGE, completely and utterly nauseating! YOU 2:30 are WHY there is so much violence and black kids killing other black kids like they are. It's because of enablers like you, excuse makers. Now I am done with you and you are dismissed. You are disgusting and not worthy of any more of my thoughts!

  40. What the hell is wrong with some of you people? This girl was not assaulting the teacher or anyone else physically,she was not holding drugs or other contraband nor was she armed with a weapon of any kind.She was passive aggressive , in that she was refusing to leave the room,and used foul language toward the police and school but thats it.
    For those of you who say "my kid wouldn't act like that" need to comprehend that no matter how good a job we do as parents,sometimes kids wander off on the wrong path.Don't act like only black teenagers drink,drug,fight,etc.or that you are somehow immune because you are upper or middle class.Ask yourself could Fields have handled this better?

    1. Don't try to explain to these people. Their will grow up, become adult and will kill their parents for their inherit. These "good little boys and girls" who secretly behave in school.

  41. He should sue the school system and the family of the criminal child.

  42. This is all just a plan to demonize the police and replace them with a national gestapo style police force that only answer to the president.

  43. if that "child" was me the cops would be the least of my worries, Mom & Dad would have got me next, I knew better than to act that way, parents need to deal with their kids before they get to this point, instead they give excuses for their kids behavior or worse teach them to act like animals

  44. Its obvious this future teenage mother had no home training.
    Most older people can remember not only being disciplined in school (sometimes with a paddle) for doing less than THAT and then we got it worse when we had to go home and have to face our parents (plural, for you less attentive people). Guess what? We got jobs, bought houses, DIDN'T go to prison, and had some respect for the rules and the law. Her future probably won't have ANY of that. Instead she'll likely have several keeds before she's 21, will be on welfare the rest of her life, live in public housing, and raise some more future felons. All the time complaining that she can't get a break because she's black and can't get past "white privilege". White privilege used to be called "hard work". Try it.
    This future teenage mother acted terribly. But that how she was raised.
    Keep cheering.

  45. Cops start calling in sick, vacation, injuries.

  46. Get your facts straight 6:36. Take your 'passive aggressive' nonsense and tell it to the other low information like yourself. After refusing to put the phone away after asked by both a teacher and an admin, the resource officer was called. He told her to put it away she refused. He told her to get up. She refused. He told her she was under arrest and touched her shoulder to raise her and she took a swing at him. It's getting very tiring correcting you people who haven't a clue as to the real story but are real good at offering up your uninformed opinion.
    People like you who are real good at running that mouth but have no clue as to the real story or choose to ignore the facts are a real problem. What the hell is wrong with you is the question. Schools are for learning and teachers and other students should not be held hostage by the bad disruptive attitudes of others.

    1. While I'm 100% pro law enforcement the truth is in this case the cop used excessive force. Taking her down and restraining her would have been one thing but throwing her across the room was way over the line.

  47. All you defending her are deplorable. The other students in the classroom whose learning came to a complete stop because one student is causing trouble should be your concern and your only concern. It's very very disturbing that anyone would defend her and speaks to how low some have sunk. How so very low. She turned the classroom into a circus. She was asked multiple times to gather her things and exit the classroom by the officer. He gave her many chances to leave to be arrested. She chose to be arrested. How she got arrested was her own fault. I just hope none of you defending her are parents because contrary to what you think you are not a good parent by anyone's stretch of the imagination.

  48. What a freaking whacko thumper. How in the world do you function in the real world?

  49. 6:36 You are delusional. So tell me, what should the officer have done? Maybe he should have bribed her to get up? Maybe he should have stroked her hair and told her how misunderstood she is, in hopes it could coax her out of that desk? Oh wait. I know. He should have said "pretty please with sugar on top". That ALWAYS works. Fools such as yourself live in a fantasy world, but when you fools start pushing imbecilic regulation, that's when the fantasy moves over to reality. That's when all are screwed, because a bunch of brainwashed zombies like you are led to believe that those who enforce the law are the bad guys, and those that break the law are victims and heroes. But you keep lying to yourself and making yourself believe things that just aren't true. You're only mimicking what the rest of these morons believe and helping to perpetuate what could lead to a completely lawless society as the inner cities are currently experiencing and when and only when a bullet rips through the body of your kid and they are pushing up daisies will you get it. Experience is the best teacher with fools such as yourself.

  50. Here's what's going to happen:
    She will sue and get a sizable settlement.
    Other students will certainly notice this and see it as an easy get rich quick scheme.
    You WILL see this happening in many classrooms - and soon!

  51. Has anyone seen the cop that killed a teen in South Carolina? The police sold them weed and then try to arrest him. Kid drives off and gets shot. Cop never once in danger. They sell drugs....entrapment and then claim the cop was I'm front of the vehicle. More lies. Cops go way to far and are allowed to do so by the ignorant sheep such as the ones on here supporting the police state. Wake up America. This kid didn't need this. The cop didn't need to slam this kid. Waiting for back up and clearing the class room is what should've been done. The comply or die mentality was used here. And kids aren't supposed to just obey people. That's what's wrong with our country. They are conformed to the likes of the idiots commenting. Kids used to be taught to question things. Stand for themselves. Now it's just do as your told. And the government is always right. I wish a cop did this to my kid. If so I'd make sure his kid felt the same pain. And then the officer.

  52. ^^^^sure tough guy

  53. Have principals in our county been told they cannot suspend AA students because the number of AA's not following rules is too big? Those who ask if the other kids just sit there learning nothing while the attention-getters perform, the answer is yes.

  54. It is so amazing how many people in the US see nothing wrong with the behavior of this disrespectful troublemaking girl. That shows us how the majority of US parents today are raising their children. How scary is that?? For the record 2 teachers were murdered by students in the classrooms in the UK in the past year. Is that what the US wants for it's schools?? The trouble has to be nipped in the bud early on otherwise it will get out of control and become chaotic. Learn from other countries mistakes and support authority because lives depend on it and that life may be your child's. That's what you worry about and not that your child might get nothing more than their ego hurt by a law officer. Worry about keeping order in the schools!! That's what caring, true parents concern themselves with and not the troublemakers!
    Yes very disgusting that anyone would defend her.

  55. 9:58 is right. Obama said he lowered suspensions and expulsions among AA students but all he did was put out recommendations and now an AA kid has to nearly kill someone to get punished. Schools abide by these recommendations otherwise they won't get federal funding. I'm tired of worrying about AA's. They've made their beds so they can lay in them and when their kids get murdered they have no one to blame but themselves.

  56. I am shocked and surprised by the comments defending this student. If students are free of all threats of discipline, the public schools will devolve (more and more) into jungles. Groups like the NAACP and others only hurt minority students in schools to learn, when they protest necessary actions to restore order.

  57. She was asked by the teacher to put the phone away. She refused. She was asked by a principal to put the phone away. She refused. She was asked by the school RO to put away the phone. Then asked to leave the classroom. She refused. She HIT the RO when informed she was under arrest. The problem is not the outcome. The problem is young people do not respect authority figures.

  58. I'm deeply concerned by this incident as well. I'm deeply concerned that we live in a day and age where some students think it's OK to be using a cell phone during class. I'm concerned we live in a day and age where some students will ignore a teachers request to put their cell phone away. I'm concerned that we have students who have such little respect for their teachers and their classmates that their in-class behavior warrants calling the in school police. I'm concerned that we have students who directly refuse multiple peaceful requests by a school police officer.It has gotten to the point where young people are so utterly insolent and disrespectful that an incident like this is necessary. That's what I'm concerned about. Good job officer and shame on those who defend her because you are doing at it the expense of the students who are there to learn and that is truly disgusting.

  59. It's me 6:36...I am not defending the student at all but even the officers boss said it was too much force.There is need for being nasty because I don't think cops should be able to perform some kind of jacked up suplex move on a teenager.And low information is those persons who cannot disagree with a total stranger without insulting them-you must be a shore native.
    My kid knows that getting in trouble at school and disrespecting her teachers comes with consequences,however if I "restrained" my own child in the manner that Officer Fields did,Social Services and the Police would be at my door.
    I respect police but its these bad cops with prior issues who bring down entire departments and sour the public opinion of law enforcement,and they need to go! The good ones deserve not to be tainted by rogues.

  60. Fired for doing your damn job! It's time for all police officers to walk off the job!

  61. 2:54 you could care less because you are the very reason this child thinks she can disobey the teacher and any other authority figure she comes across. The only reason cops are in schools in the first place is because NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND movement. Well start off buy calling that little fiasco what it is NO THUG LEFT BEHIND. When and why were police stationed in schools. Well it was not to stop white or black kids from getting an education. Sadly it was to protect the good kids and staff from thugs like 2:54 has raised.

    Lets look at the real problem has anyone looked at the cost of tax payers putting crime fighters in schools. I have nothing but respect for the police in schools. The bottom line this program is a failure. Those officers need to be on the streets fighting crime. The B.O.E. needs to hire private security officers. The liability the B.O.E. has placed on officers expecting the officer to enforce school policy is not worth the risk. The officers are damned if they do and damned if they don't. I would not do their job for all the money in the world.

    So 2:54 just what do you and the rest of the liberal bastards like you want the teacher to do with this student that cheats my child out of quality class room time. Sadly you will not get to vote for Ohbamha again. My hard earned tax dollars go into the teaching system so my child can move on in this messed up world. You and yours sit on the couch watching cable paid for by those who work. Eating meals paid for by those who work. Buying minutes for your little thugs phone by those who work.

    If a child is not there to learn suspend them. The school system is not a reform school. The liberals did away with those years ago.

    This country needs to cut welfare and start work-share. No work no money. Plenty of state labor out there being neglected due to short fall funding. Yet welfare works out to about 22.50 per hour. So why work right.

    This not a black or white thing. It is a common decency thing. Raise your children to work and respect people.

    As for the Sheriff in South Carolina that said "the video almost made me throw up". Well lets just say where I come from there is a word for you sir. Mr. Albero would never print it. I will personally donate funds to anyone who runs against the spineless coward.

  62. I am sick of hearing " she didn't break the law". She did as soon as she struck him. So what do u do bring in a councilor in to defuse the kid? I don't think so. This kid could of had a weapon and hurt another child. Tough love....if it were my kid that acted like that....I would not fight the system....they deserve to be expelled and go to juvy. Sorry but I would also whoop their ass but then I would go to jail. I am sick of kids getting away with everything and being disrespectful.

  63. When a young person has no intention of ever holding a job, ruining education for everyone else is not a concern. Around the country, billions of tax dollars have been spent trying to get minority students to learn and behave. Maybe ending most welfare handouts would get their attention.

  64. So now, whatever a police officer says is LAW because a police officer said it? I don't think that is how it works. Also did you all read that she was recently orphaned? Her mother passed away. So much for your home training argument....he deserved to be fired and I do not care what you say if it was your child or relative then you would be just as outraged. Give me a break. I am glad he was fired, as I previously stated I am usually always in favor of allowing leniency for police so they do not have to fear doing their job but this was way to far and if you disagree you are probably heartless or without children.

  65. Some people need to look up the word "liberal" it gets thrown around a lot, just because one may disagree with the situation it does not make one a "liberal". I am white and I truly believe that if this were a white child, there would a stark difference in your comments. I guess no kid has ever acted up in a classroom before. I have also seen videos just this week of teachers/security guards being beaten by kids who did not suffer the same treatment as this recently orphaned young girl. I do understand the world has changed and that kids get away with a lot more than they used to, but if you think man handling a child is ok because she was on her cell phone and would not get up then you are completely delusional. She swings at him only after he grabs her around the neck. That is not how you handle that situation, let alone drag her across the room by her hair.

  66. Without actually counting this appears to be 50-50 in favor of his actions vs against his actions.A good debate # by any standards,but the officer should have realized that he had no possible chance of prevailing following his actions.This will cause a nationwide reluctance to call for a Resource Officer to handle such issues.However,those against his actions should be mandated to come up with alternative solutions.They should also be held accountable for the success or failure of their alternative measures.

  67. The comments I have read have all but sickened me. The incident has nothing to do with the President or the race of the child. Again, I say a child. The child was breaking a school rule and should have received punishment. Punishment, not a "beat down", especially from someone who trained on how to handle disorder. If this officer can not handle a defiant teen girl over a cell phone appropriately, he is not fit for the job.
    For those of you who say that your child would have put the phone away when told,, can't even make that statement with a straight face. You may want to believe that but you know that is not true.
    If the officer behaves this way with a female child in a school classroom, how is he handling the job in the streets?
    This officer deserve d to be fired.

    1. Thank you. That's the bottom line.

  68. 3 strikes and you get Expelled but thats only for white children black kids get a free obama pass.

  69. back in my high school during the eary/mid 90's, we were ALL told that our pagers/cell phones had to either stay in our vehicles, or in our lockers.
    we all obeyed as we were told...
    kinda funny to think that about now, but it makes total sense looking back...

  70. Fear not, a law suite is coming with a BIG payoff, along with Justice dept-led demonstrations against "white brutality". "Never let a good catastrophe go to waste!"

  71. And, this is a forgiving christian, (1:49pm).

  72. The lives and economy of Columbia will be totally destroyed before this is over. Pity the residents and businesses. If I lived there I would be trying to move out.

  73. Now this child has a cast on on arm. She suffered a back, neck and facial injuries. She's motherless. And for the rest of her life, she will have nightmares from this traumatic event. I'm glad that Officer got fired.

    1. She should have thoght about that before she started acting Thugish.

    2. Child ? Teen punk.

    3. Cellphone in class = 10 suspension.

    4. I think teachers need to just not show up at work & let the office staff deal w/ them let them take over these unruly kids

    5. I think teachers need to just not show up at work & let the office staff deal w/ them let them take over these unruly kids

  74. The officer did NOTHING wrong.

  75. The comments I have read have all but sickened me. The incident has nothing to do with the President or the race of the child. Again, I say a child. The child was breaking a school rule and should have received punishment. Punishment, not a "beat down", especially from someone who trained on how to handle disorder. If this officer can not handle a defiant teen girl over a cell phone appropriately, he is not fit for the job.
    For those of you who say that your child would have put the phone away when told,, can't even make that statement with a straight face. You may want to believe that but you know that is not true.
    If the officer behaves this way with a female child in a school classroom, how is he handling the job in the streets?
    This officer deserve d to be fired.

  76. The (black!) teacher did what he was trained and allowed to do, to convince her to get up and move her @ss. She refused.

    The principal did the same. She continued to defy a reasonable request, and in the process, denied the other students their CIVIL RIGHTS to an education.

    She refused to move when the officer told
    her to do so. What does she think would
    happen if she was 25 years old and refused to leave a scene, where she had been disruptive? She wants to push it to a beatdown, then she is well past dire need of an honest, corrective

    She asked for it, she begged for it, and she got put in her place by (OMG WHITE COP RACISM) the one person with authority to order her to comply. What did this beast want, anyway? Just let her yab on her cellphone while others are trying to learn, hopefully?

    If she won't take direction from the teacher, the principal, or a police officer, I doubt she will do so from an employer.

    Far from an 11 year old child, she is a big 16 year old. Despite her lawyer trying to spin the fictional narrative of a poor little orphan girl, she is not. Her mother may have passed away from certain causes not mentioned, but somewhere, perhaps likely unidentified so far...a "father".

    When the inevitable lawsuit is filed, I'll bet "baby daddy" makes an appearance to claim "her" and the cash windfall.

    Orphan, my ass.

    1. What's good for her, is a lesson in respect, manners and appropriate behavior, something she obviously didn't receive at home.

  77. Solution:: cell phone jammer.

    Should be standard issue in every classroom. Or a taser for beasts like her.

  78. wow, a lot of brain dead robots on here. This cop should never have been called to that classroom to begin with. It was a disciplinary problem, not a criminal act. The teacher and admin failed to resolve this matter. The cop was no better. Time to go flip some burgers officer body slam. And please don't spit on the food.

    1. Do tell...

      Exactly how would YOU have stopped her disruptive behavior in class, then dealt with her refusal to move?

    2. Throw a spider on her thug lap.

    3. Throw a spider on her thug lap.

  79. Put a bag over her head and continue class.

  80. This is really simple! Police Officer has the authority to order you to move. If you refuse he has the authority to move you. If you strike the officer, as this girl did, what happens next is on you! Instead of making stupid excuses for this idiot everyone should use her as an example to all young people you know and care about. Impress upon them that you never ever attack a police officer! If you feel an officer is out of line you document all you can and contact their superiors and elected officials. Even if you don't have any evidence if enough people complain the problem will be addressed.

  81. Or a job application and a pair of workboots.


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