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Friday, November 06, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Obama rejects Keystone XL pipeline project

President Obama rejects TransCanada's application to build the Keystone XL pipeline, saying the project would not spur economic growth.


  1. Obama hates it when white skilled workers get jobs, he wants them all to work at Walmart.

  2. Yes but we dont need it. We have plenty of oil and so does the rest of the world. If he built it, he would have wasted lots and lots of money.

  3. At this point most Americans want jobs, any reasonably well paid jobs. Obama only wants minimum wage jobs. Then he can push for an increase in minimum wage and further bankrupt families and the country.

  4. 1:04 - while getting credit from lesser-informed voters....that will reelect dumbocrats!

  5. Warren Buffet... his Railroads will continue to move the crude

  6. He's a flippin idiot, enuf said.

  7. I don't like Obama, but I have to agree with him on this one. I watch a two documentary on this concerning the displacement of peoples property in both Canada and in the US and the environmental damage that has already been done by the shale oil fields in Canada top get what oil is up there. Many acres of pristine wilderness has been destroyed in this process. People have already lost their homes hand have been arrested for trying to stop the pipeline on their land. Most of the oil from this project will not be going to the US or Canada, but to other countries like China. This pipeline is for China and India. Even most of the work on the pipeline will be outsourced to Chinese workers. This pipeline is of no real benefit to the United States or Canada. I'm glad it has failed.

  8. 3:39. Thanks for being a voice of sanity.

  9. 3:39
    You're an idiot and incapable of independent thought.

  10. Don't care for Obama----but gooood for him , he's
    wise to do this.

  11. Great. Let's continue to let OPEC hold us hostage. When Russia takes over the Middle East we will rue the day when we did not make ourselves energy dependent.

  12. the real reason is money warren buffett was obama's biggest supporter the oil is delivered by rail and who owns the railway??? WARREN BUFFETT a no brainer situation


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