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Monday, November 09, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Embattled Univ. of Missouri president resigns

University of Missouri System President Tim Wolfe resigns in face of growing protests -- including a strike by football players -- over charges he failed to respond to racial incidents on campus.


  1. In September the President kicked Planned Parenthood off the campus... look it up... this protest was organized by one of Marxist Senator Claire McCaskill's interns.. Ferguson was promoted and financed by George Soros... Missouri is a Progressive cesspool

  2. I hope this "racial incident" doesn't turn out to be a hoax like the one at Berkley High School or there will be a lot of people out there with mud on their faces.

  3. This is terrible. Now the Maoist little dears know that all they have to do is point and yell "racist!" and a person's livelihood is in jeopardy. Do you think they will be satisfied with one scalp? Also, how long before the reign of student terror comes to Salisbury University?

  4. The accusations will quadruple.Don't underestimate his need to resign.

  5. Disgusting children who think the world owes them something.

  6. Children of the corn.

  7. I just hope this incident doesn't spread nation wide.No one reading this (other than myself)is smart enough to envision the impact this situation will have on higher education because locals have a day to day mentality.They cannot envision what will occur next week or next year based on what is happening currently.This issue will spread just like the circular ripples generated by a pebble thrown into a pool of water.Now that this particular group has achieved the desired results more incidents will follow.The end result will be a national elimination(in hiring practices)of the need to go to a 4 year college.Community colleges will move front and center after the rest have discredited themselves.Must I tell you people everything?


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