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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Congress passes $607 billion defense bill that also bans moving Guantanamo detainees to US

Senate overwhelmingly approves $607 billion defense bill that also bans moving Guantanamo detainees to the US mainland. Though President Obama is opposed to the bill's Guantanamo provision, he has not threatened a veto.


  1. Freaking AWESOME! Hope POTUS Puked a little in his mouth....

  2. Thanks for finally collectively telling POSPOTUS to pound sand!

  3. He will sign the bill, The reason he hasn't already closed gitmo prison was because his friends in the MSM won't support him on it. He now has an excuse,congress won't let him,not like that has ever stopped him befor.

  4. They GOD Congress collectively grew a set of balls and passed this. WAY TO GO! Now, keep this up and maybe, just maybe Congress can pass more bills that actually help the people that are citizens of America.

  5. This is good news!!


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