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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Blumenthal: IRS Could Use Private Debt Collectors Against You

Provision “hidden” within recent federal transportation bill would unleash private debt collectors on delinquent taxpayers...

U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn, is warning that a provision “hidden” within the recent federal transportation funding bill would unleash private debt collectors on delinquent taxpayers.

“With widespread allegations of harassment and abuse, the private debt collection industry is riddled with bad actors,” Blumenthal said.

“Congress should be doing more to protect taxpayers and students from this unscrupulous industry, not unleashing these firms on millions of struggling Americans,” the senator said. “While I strongly support investment in our nation’s transportation infrastructure, subjecting families to ceaseless and aggressive collection tactics is simply not the way to do it.”

The long-term surface transportation bill, known as the DRIVE Act, currently calls for $2.4 billion to be “saved” over the next ten years by requiring the IRS to enlist private debt collectors.

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  1. If there is any way to screw the people the politicians will do it, especially if it benefit them.

  2. as usual the Federal Government finds a way to get out of doing the job they were hired to do

  3. Blumenthal the Vietnam service liar, another member of the party of Hillary Clinton, Elijah the Communist and Liberal Jim.

  4. This is total BS at least you can work with the IRS.This has to be some type of campaign payback and someone needs to look into it.

  5. Joe,

    Isn't there a big tax lien on Ron Pagano. Tell those collectors to sic'em.


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