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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Bill Maher Criticizes Liberals for Believing that all of Islam is Peaceful

Last Friday, Bill Maher was on his weekly show, "Real Time", when he openly criticized the notion that Muslims share the same values as other religions. Maher is known for his anti-religious rhetoric and receives backlash from groups that he criticizes. Usually Maher attacks conservative values, but from time to time, he attacks his own liberal base by challenging them to see religion in a different light.

“This idea that all religions share the same values is bull***t and we need to call it bull***t... if you are in this religion (Islam), you probably do have values that are at odds (with American values). This is what liberals don’t want to recognize,” Maher said.



  1. Bill Maher is normally a progressive idiot of the highest order.

    But he is accurate on this point. We have made a practice of allowing considerable slack for goofy views and behaviors if their practitioners wrap it up as a religious belief. Our Constitution sets this expectation, and that aspect is good.

    But when the 'religion' in question has as a founding and continuing tenet the idea that if I won't convert to it its believers are authorized, nay obligated, to kill me in whatever fashion they choose we have a conflict between my freedoms and theirs.

    My right to be me and reject their faith trumps their right to practice the compulsory convert or die belief of their religion.

    It is madness to permit entry to our country those who hold the belief that they can slaughter their way to conversion.

    1. He is jewish and getting nervous.

  2. He was brought up Catholic 2:17. How did you make that call?

    1. Yeah ok, name,nose.

    2. 230
      How is he a Christian if he believes in Abortion? ..wiki.

  3. Does the religion call for the destruction or dominance by it and its followers? Yes.
    Rewrite the Koran, change your ignorant, arrogant ways and become part of the world. Civilized world, that is.

  4. The Koran is clear...Kill all non believers. If you believe and follow this cult you cannot be peaceful.

  5. he and Dirshowitz have a soul after all

  6. Just like the rest of the white liberal idiot's something happened. They thought Obama and his buddies would protect them. Well just like the rest of us found out years ago. You can't trust these worthless POS EVER!!!!


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