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Sunday, November 29, 2015


Obama doesn’t care. He’ll do what he damn well pleases.
This comes from the administration that is forcing poverty nuns to provide contraception and ignoring court orders to halt illegal immigration policies.

** The US House voted to halt Obama’s Syrian “refugee” program last week with a veto proof majority.

Obama doesn’t care. He’ll do what he damn well pleases.

Arutz Sheva reported, via Free Republic:



  1. Its called the constitution, read it. The States have NO RIGHT to refuse refugees. If you hate the constitution than change it, but is it NOT unconstitutional at this point....

    1. Obama hates the constitution. Because he has muslim family members ie parents and grandparents WWIII is on its way watxh how the liberala cower.

    2. 150 your are in correct.

  2. But it is perfectly legal for the states to refuse federal refugee funding.I'm not sure if any governor has done that yet,but until they do don't take them seriously.

  3. Hey 1:50
    We have the right to protect our country when a cult has waged war on us. You come across as an idiot , we also have the right to carry arms , we also have the right impeach an illegal president .

  4. We have right to protect our nation , get a life 1:50

  5. Obama doesn't follow the Constitution why should states.

  6. It may not be unconstitutional but in the current world climate it's beyond ludicrous.
    Enter the idiot in chief.

  7. Time for the 2nd American Revolution

  8. If Obama isn't bound to the Constitution nobody is.

  9. Our Constitution also does not give the federal government the authority to place "refugees" in any state.

    They are to oversee commerce between the states, print our currency, and provide for the common defense. By putting large numbers of unfriendly and ungrateful Muslims in our communities, against our will, we are deliberately put in danger from a certain percentage of these people, however small.

    And if there is so much as a single terrorist in their numbers, they have, by definition, committed a violation of our Constitutional rights, by deliberately failing to provide for our common defense.

    I believe Emperor Obama will open the floodgates to his islamist brethren, by an executive order commanding every government agency, FEMA, DOJ, Homeland "Security", ICE, HUD, and every welfare office, to roll out the red carpet (or prayer rugs!) to meekly welcome the "refugees".

  10. based on the ignorance from some of these wannabe 'Murican Jihadist Retards, I'd bet my life that half of these morons couldn't recite any of the amendments exception part of the second....and I don't mean the "well regulated militia" part...

    name me ONE federal refugee policy that Obama has enacted that is unconstitutional based on what the constitution ACTUALLY SAYS...if you can't appreciate our constitution and what it means and says then you are no better than an ISIS militant or any other traitor. Patriotism means many things and actually knowing the laws. Also, lets say that the president is a Muslim or a Jew or a Catholic for that matter. It still holds no constitutional relevance...in fact, anyone making that an issue better go back and actually READ what the first amendment actually says..and they should leave the country if they can't get with the program...maybe try Saudi Arabia? That's a conservative and religious state.....

  11. I guess that the lying Muslim president forgot that each State has a legal right to declare State Sovereignty. I vote that Maryland leads the way. Others will follow.

  12. The national guard is under the authority of the state governor, he can order them to shoot and kill invaders of the state, And many a hunter would love to join in also!

  13. the bottom line is this. if Obama can walk all over our Constitution and Bill of Rights; game on. it's now time to do what we please, time to rebel, to defy Obama. what can he do about it? NOTHING...Obama has created anarchy in this country and we need to give him a dose of his own medicine. period

  14. 5:33 Absolutely correct. Obama might call out the National Guard but they have to be released by the Governor. If push gets to shove the Guard can stop this nonsense. It's up to Governor Hogan to stand his ground. As a Veteran I will stand with Hogan and The Maryland National Guard.

  15. "It is illegal for states to refuse Syrian refugees". No, it is unconscionable for any state, any American to follow this devious non-Potus Barry Soetoro.

  16. I've read and will find again that in 1952 a law was passed about NOT allowing Muslims into the US without congressionalapproval. Call me crazy but I'll find it.

  17. Obama saying this without any shred of backup clearly demonstrated how shallow he is. There is no "law" forcing any state to do anything imposed or decreed by the Federal Government, and the Constitution you all are talking about clearly limits, (not gives), the powers of the Federal government.

  18. Immigration and Nationality Law 414,chapter 2,section 212:
    Prohibition of entry to the US if the alien belongs to an organization seeking to over throw the Government of the US,by force, violence, or other unconstitutional means.
    This law went into effect in 1952 and still on the books. So if anyone still thinks Obama has a legal right to bring terrorists here is WRONG.

    1. Problem is, how many will admit being ISIS members, or any other subgroup?

      Even if they are not "enlisted"' members, most are probably supporters or at least sympathizers.

      Just being Muslim is not enough to deny them refugee status, even though it ought to.

    2. All they have to do is look at Germany. Case closed.

  19. They MUST BE VETTED. PERIOD! !! Can't trust Obama for that.

  20. Have we finally had enough yet?? Just remember the reasoning behind the Second Amendment!!

  21. Hussein Obama you are an illegal Muslim from Kenya and my goal is to see you, Jim Ireton, Jake Day and O'Malley in hand cuffs and leg irons.


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