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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Barack Obama Dropped Leaflets- Gave ISIS 45 Minutes Before Bombing Them

Barack Obama gave ISIS 45 minutes to scamper before he bombed them.

You wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt now, would you?

It was part of Barack Obama’s “escalation” plan against the ISIS jayvee team.



  1. JV?
    Are you sure it's not the freshman team?

  2. We have a varsity team here, but a grade school coach.

  3. Non-combatants. If they get out of the trucks and shoot at you, then they're fair game.

  4. I wish the cops here would give me that kind of warning before they raided my house.

  5. So, it's the OIL TRUCKS that are decapitating, crucifying, raping, and destroying things?
    I always though the object of war (or attacking the enemy) was to KILL THE ENEMY. Even a second day cadet at West Point knows THAT.
    Its hard to believe tis monkey pretender is actually the "commander -in-chief of the military.
    He's a muslim trying his best to make sure he limits the number of muslims who get killed.
    That's why he sent ......50......advisors, instead of the 1ST Infantry Battalion, preceded by a 2-3 week air campaign designed to level about a 1500 square mile area of those roaches.
    Imagine how the parents of the men and women who came back without major body parts feel about his totally inane comment about "containment". Where are they being contained"? In the suburbs of Paris and Brussels???

    Too bad all the Christians these animals have slaughtered never got any "leaflets", huh???

    Keep cheering.

  6. He hates killing his relatives, when he leaves office he will see their widows at the Muslim family holiday table.

  7. Warn the Oil trucks.. The multimillion dollar funding source of ISIS.

    Treason anyone?


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