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Sunday, November 29, 2015

A Must See: Incontrovertible - New 9/11 Documentary by Tony Rooke


  1. 911 was an inside job. No doubt about it. Any thinking man can see this just by watching the buildings fall. There has NEVER been a steel sky scraper failure due to fire. Much less one that collapsed and imploded in 20 seconds.

    Anyone who thinks otherwise is blind, a fool or lying to themselves.

  2. I didn't want to believe that my government was lying to us about such a serious issue, but I finally have seen the light.
    Lord knows we are living in a dangerous World.
    I love my country but I fear my government!

  3. Condition yourself to hope for the best but expect the worst and you won't be disillusioned.

  4. I do believe now that this was an inside job , but I don't understand why , just why was it done ?

    1. The Chaney Administration were war monger. This country loves war. This country is truly doomed.

  5. Follow the money. Who has financially benefited from our kneejerk reactions to 9/11? Who has politically benefited from 9/11?

  6. 5:26-You and I are on the same page.6:54-Whoever thought they would benefit from 9/11 very likely did not.When the 2000 Presidential decision was reversed a lot of us knew that something was up.We couldn't grasp the magnitude of what was going to happen but a major event was obviously being orchestrated.Any continuous refusal to acknowledge the will of the people will always have dire consequences.

  7. very well documented. must see for all. still don't get it??? well get your head out of the sand...

  8. Perhaps the tide is turning. In the comments above, only one complete moron still says "Total rubbish."

    Next step is, "What are we going to do about it."

    First, we re-elect no one. Fire every last one of them, regardless of party affiliation and start over.

    Second, many states are already well on their way to taking back their sovereignty. Get involved and help take back the powers the Feds illegally claim. The constitution states that all powers not specifically granted to the federal government belong to the states.

    It is well past time of pissing and moaning. It is time to take action before all is lost to the evil string pullers that run this country from behind their elected puppets.

    Do it for the children.

  9. 3:29. This total moron says rubbish to you too.

  10. AND, the killer "conspiracy" fact??
    Neither one of the "black boxes" were ever found (according to the FBI).
    They found FINGERNAILS and tiny pieces of bones, but just couldn't find the most important pieces of evidence? Designed to withstand unbelievable impacts and burning jet fuel. Never found them?
    You BELIEVE that?
    The info on those black boxes would probably put a lot of important people in prison.
    Dang. The "two sets of laws" thing again.
    The masters pull the strings and, on cue, you start chanting "USA!! USA!! USA!!".
    That vague, uncomfortable feeling you have, but can't seem to put your finger on??
    It's the TRUTH, trying to find a way to work its way into your thought processes (there seems to be a lot of neural interference
    from the cheerleading sections in your cranium).

    1. Sounds like you hate America, Leave.


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