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Sunday, November 01, 2015

A Letter To The Editor: Delmarva power's gigantic poles

I contacted delmarva power yesterday about the gigantic pole that they put up on my yard that is a big eyesore. I understand that the county owns the first 5 ft. of my yard, but this monstrosity takes up almost 8 ft. I was told by delmarva power that in the 1940’s, the developer of Maple Plains granted delmarva power permission to do stuff like this, but in the 1940’s, poles were nothing like this lighthouse looking thing. My house was not even built at that time, it was built in 1950. When I bought my house, no one told me that I have no rights as a property owner against the big power companies. I am slowly losing a little of my land at a time. About 9 years ago, the person who purchased the house next to me tore down that house and built another less than 10 feet (the legal limit) from my property line. I called the county about that, but got no help at all. Why do we have laws about property lines if no one has to follow the laws? Its bad enough that natural gas lines run in front of my yard and they stuck a big yellow pole up from the ground to mark the lines in my front yard, when I do not even use natural gas. What is next, do they want to park their trucks in my driveway? How can I fight any of this?


  1. If you want to fight it get an attorney.

  2. Id be pissed as hell, that will affect your property value and they dont care. The new thing is to not live near power lines.

    Wow, thats messed up

  3. Your best bet is to move to Delaware.

    1. Delaware has similar issues especially with cell towers.

  4. How can I fight any of this?

    You can't. The time to fight was about 5 elections ago. Unfortunately we the citizens just buried our heads in the sand instead of going to the polls and expressing our feelings. This is what a less than 50% percent election participatory rate gets you. Maybe if this election everyone gets out and votes we can break the cycle of madness. Let us quit allowing this country's losers to determine our leaders.

  5. The laws the law unfortunately. I had to take a treehouse down that I built for my nephew in Anne Arundel County because a neighbor reported it as an eyesore and apparently you need a permit. Life sucks, get a helmet.

  6. I am so sorry about that pole in your yard...in my yard is a big power box that supplies myself and two neighbors...take up more than 5 feet...I keep praying for a way to go solar, but on Social Security, I can't afford it. The only way to fight big power companies is to get off their grid...those who can should use wind or solar power...that will show them who's boss.

  7. Its what socialism is all about and you have to do your part for the overall good to society. Remember that when you go to vote.

  8. If they have exceeded the utility right of way on your property, you have a case. Comcast did this to me, and they were forced to move their cable box out of my yard into the utility right of way. They are given exceptions for the utility right of way, but they don't when it goes into your property line. I would definitely get legal counsel concerning this.

  9. It's true! You can fight but you WON'T win. The power company will prevail. Same thing happened to my in-laws. They sold a home they loved for 25 years due to the power company's building a sub-station right across the street. Very sad.

  10. The only way to win with utility companies is to buy stock, period.

  11. With right of way, eminent domain and taxes plus other various laws you never really own any property, the government does! Sure going off the grid sounds nice but if you are not tied to their power lines the county or city can condemn your home as being unfit for habitation because you are not hooked to electric grid.
    plenty of stories on the net about that.

  12. You complain about a pole but you'd also be the first to complain about your power going out and crews taking too long to fix it. These heavy duty poles help alleviate that problem.

    With that being said I agree that if its not within the first 5 ft of the yard it should be moved. But the concrete foundation its on might have been in the way of water/gas/cable lines so they moved it back a foot or 2.

  13. "I was told by delmarva power that in the 1940’s, the developer of Maple Plains granted delmarva power permission to do stuff like this, but in the 1940’s, poles were nothing like this lighthouse looking thing. My house was not even built at that time, it was built in 1950. When I bought my house, no one told me that I have no rights as a property owner against the big power companies."

    If that's the case then hold the Realtor or developer responsible for not disclosing it to you, not the power companies fault. You as a homeowner need to do your research when purchasing a home.

  14. Paint it rainbow and write there competitor's name on it .

  15. Prior land owners sold right of ways. Learned and dealt with it last year when they showed up cutting trees down citing homeland security issues. Then found out its to install these enormous poles. They wanted to cut a tree that was a grave marker. Went threw hell. I finally won once proven it had a body there from folks 70 yrs ago. Thing was they said they needed room for trucks. One tree surrounded by 150 acres of field and it had to go. B.S.

  16. Paint it pink as if it is in support of Breast Cancer Research

  17. the DPL easement was in your title search, do your homework next time you buy property. it sucks. i have transmission lines in my back yard.

    you should ask delmarva why they put the pole in YOUR yard, instead of the other 2 poles that were on the DODGE dealer. same easement. that is the real question

  18. Anonymous LadyLiddy said...
    It's true! You can fight but you WON'T win. The power company will prevail. Same thing happened to my in-laws. They sold a home they loved for 25 years due to the power company's building a sub-station right across the street. Very sad.

    October 26, 2015 at 12:01 PM

    that has nothing to do with anyone's property


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