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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

9th Grade School Assignment: Draw “Join ISIS” Posters

My reaction mirrored that of a 14-year-old student’s mother. Why? Why would a teacher assign this, and why would it be considered appropriate?

I don’t understand. Consider all the things that are banned and not to be talked about in public schools, and compare those with the things that are for whatever reason considered appropriate. Teachers aren’t allowed to talk about God and the Bible, because that would constitute “promoting religion” in violation of the 1st Amendment’s Establishment Clause.

They can’t talk about Christianity, but they can teach kids the five pillars of Islam and have them recite, “There is no god but Allah, and Mohammad is his prophet.” They can’t have Bibles or talk about them, but they can come up with assignments like, “If you were a terrorist with ISIS, how would you get others to join?” From The Blaze:

Annie Langston couldn’t believe the school assignment her 14-year-old daughter Mikalia brought home, so she wrote a letter to she teacher and the principal demanding an explanation.

The assignment asked the ninth grade class at Salem Junior High School in Salem, Utah, to draw Islamic State propaganda posters. Students were also asked to type the words “how to recruit for ISIS” into Google as part of the assignment, KSTU-TV reported.



  1. Great. I'm sure that the ISIS gamg is going to work well with Mormons.

  2. Once again affirming that teachers do not deserve increased pay. They are part time union workers with limited education and left wing ideals.

  3. These teachers need to be fired!!!


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