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Sunday, October 18, 2015

Wicomico County Council President John Cannon Caught Red Handed In A Lie

Earlier today we published an article referencing Council President John Cannon and his inexcusable attempt to go after County Executive Bob Culver and his "DAUGHTER" once again. 

His mouth piece, the Daily Times quoted Cannon stating that Rick Pollitt's children never worked for the County. That is absolutely not true. Rick's "SON" worked for Parks & Rec. MAKING $15.00 AN HOUR PART TIME. Rick Pollitt and his Sister in Law signed checks together for the County before Rick was removed as County Executive by a major majority of County Voters. 

Another thing we've come to learn are the, (AT LEAST) seven pages of documented information proving Family Members who work together for Wicomico County and I believe that excludes all of the people who are employed within the Fire Department. 

In other words, THIS IS NOTHING NEW and was already in place while the former County Executive Pollitt was in office and Cannon never said a word!

That being said, it is NONE of the Council's business who the County hires unless it is a department head. There is a legislative branch and an executive branch. The LEGISLATIVE branch, (John Cannon) is forbidden to discuss PERSONNEL matters, period. So if ANY ethics charges should be filed it should be against the County Council.

Getting back to the Daily Times article, (above) while the print edition today clearly shows Cannon's blatant LIE about Rick Pollitt's "SON", they have changed their on line version, proving Council President John Cannon LIED. 


  1. Typical eastern shore! "It's a brotherhood thing you wouldn't understand" should be a bumper sticker given out to these scumbags.

  2. Unfortunately, no other Republican candidate ran for the seat that John Cannon won....

    I wasn't going to vote for a dumbocrat - and maybe we were hoping that he learned from his past mistakes...he didn't and we couldn't make it better with our votes - it could have been worse though!

  3. Cannon has Always been a lying pos slumlord who is only concerned about himself.

  4. Cannon talks out of both sides of his mouth however one of his biggest problems is his BOSS, Mr. Creamer. Creamer can not stand to lose the power he has possessed for the last 35 -40 years and he is the puppet master with Cannon. I actually thought Cannon was smarter than he is. I voted for him last time but it won't happen again and I don't care if he is running for dog catcher. I'm done with him.

  5. So he either lied intentionally or ran his mouth about something he clearly knew nothing about. LOL. Either way, he now looks like an ass.

  6. So much "drama" in Wicomico County. Always seems to be a bonehead from Delmar stirring the pot begging for attention.

  7. And they just changed the story, not admitted that the original was wrong with a correction.

  8. 2:08, I can't blame you for not wanting to vote for him again. Cannon's constant attacks against Culver seems to only get noticed by those attending Council Meetings or watching PAC 14. Cannon is slowing down progress on purpose and then tries to take credit once he's under too much pressure to vote Bob's way. His agenda, (as I mentioned in an earlier post) is to run for County Executive and clearly after the DT's has now written an editorial once again going after Culver, they will support Cannon in the next election. People need to open their eyes because it is the local Main Stream Media that continues to control elections. HOWEVER, it was SBYNews who owned the influence in the last election as our traffic now blows away all three media sources. Cannon is done.

  9. Damn Joe I hope you are correct that he is done. PERIOD!

  10. Pollitt's kid made $15 and hour and Culver's adult daughter is only making $13? Cannon just lost 3 votes from this household.

  11. Different jobs, different pay.

  12. Cannon knows not what he is talking about. He needs to go clean up some of his family's slum properties. That doesn't take much between the ears.

  13. Maybe it's a blessing that they choose a new president every year and not every four.

  14. Too funny. After reading about Pollit's son working for the county on Salisbury News the DT's changes their story. The question is where were all these concerned people when Pollit's son was hired. I've been looking and I see no law that says those who file ethics complaints have a right to confidentiality.
    Do your job DT's and get to work finding out who is abusing the ethic violation procedures in an attempt to make Bob Culver look bad.
    That's the story here DT's and if the DT's staff wasn't such a bunch of amateur 2 bit nothings they would be on this.

  15. Very disappointed in John..... Haven't always agreed with him on policy but lying isn't allowed in my book! You're all done moving forward. Can't wait to see you in person and call you out!

  16. Cannon needs to be kicked off the council Period.

  17. 2:47. Agreed. But before he is he needs to face the ethics commission for lying.

  18. Another lie in the article was that Cannon said he knew nothing about the ethics violation. That's B.S. He and the council filed a ethics charge.

  19. 3:00, He also needs to face the ethics commission for openly discussing a "PERSONNEL" violation.

  20. I am a follower of what goes on in County government. My friends know this, some of whom pay little to no attention to the ups and downs of politics. What is interesting is they have picked up on the fact that Cannon is constantly undercutting Culver and they ask me about it. I can cite examples from day one, where Cannon has NOT acted as a Republican, but someone who has his own personal agenda and the hell with the people.

    Cannon has exposed himself as a puppet of Creamer and his golfing/drinking buddy Strausburg. His role is to protect the good old boys who are feeding off the taxpayers. Strausburg is desperately trying to hang on to get this 5 years of vesting into the County retirement system where we will pay him along with his benefits for life. Culver needs to keep this from happening, but the real question is what has been promised to Cannon for doing the bidding of the old, voted out regime? If non-political types are recognizing that Cannon doesn't support the elected Executive nor support conservative Republican views, I'd say his days are numbered. Say Good-bye John before you are disgraced out of office.

  21. Cannon is SO OUT OF LINE. He is trying to establish that he is more powerful than Culver. His behavior is so inappropriate and obvious. He is chronically putting obstacles in Culver's way in hopes of humiliating him. Well guess what, Cannon has humiliated himself by overplaying his hand. Talk about obvious. Being self-important is an ugly trait John. It is going to take you down...again.

  22. The council is being left on the dark about lots of information the executives office is sending forward. Wake up council members. Are you going to let Creamer and Cannon paint you all with the same brush? You need to do your job that the people elected you to do not just draw your paychecks.

  23. Where is the rest of the Council that they are letting Cannon act this way? I am losing respect for them too. If they were involved with filing an ethics charge, based on nothing but vindictiveness, then any costs incurred by the County for the investigation should come out of the Council's budget...and their budget should be REDUCED for next year since they like to engage in unfounded accusations. REALLY on FULL with the lameness of the County Council and the fact that Cannon leads all but Joe Holloway around by the nose!!!

  24. Bring up Cannon and the entire Council on Ethics Charges. They have tried to defame the reputations of Culver, Ennis and Lewis. Shame on them! You cannot undo the fact that whenever they are googled, this will come up. Quit acting like a pack of sleazy politicians. We deserve STATESMEN, not a bunch of backstabbing cronies like you.

  25. Check out a disgruntled "retired" employee. See if their fingerprints are on this. They started it, they should be "outed" for what they are.

  26. The charter gives the President of the council the authority to conduct the meetings and set the agenda. They are there for legislative purposes. WTH is Cannon doing minding the executives business. I hope someone on the council will have the strength to call for an election for president. Cannon was kicked out of the presidency the last time and I understand why.

  27. WHAT??? Bob, do not let Strasberg reach 5 years. I, for one, don't want to pay him a penny. Get rid of his lying @ss.

  28. "Statesman" is a foreign concept for Cannon, Hall and some others. Sorry bunch on the County Council. Very disappointing.

  29. The voters will be waiting in line to vote this lame council out. J Holloway is the only one who is acting responsibly and I believe, Mr. Davis wants to do what is right but John, "pickled brain" Hall; Marc, can't go I have to babysit, Kilmer; Larry, I need a job, Dodd; Matt, let's make a deal, Holloway; John, I'm a proven liar, Cannon will be history in 3 years. Thank goodness.

  30. What Cannon and the council members (sans Joe Holloway)did was send the ethics commission on a fishing expedition. That is not the duty of the commission and if Cannon were a real council president he would know this. The commission is there to investigate a specific complaints and not to look or search for one.
    Again, this is something Cannon should know and should have put an end to any council discussion about this ASAP. If Cannon doesn't know what his duties are and the duties of the commissions then he needs to get the hell out and let someone who is informed be the president.

  31. " Anonymous said...

    Bring up Cannon and the entire Council on Ethics Charges. They have tried to defame the reputations of Culver, Ennis and Lewis....."

    The resolution says the Commission received an additional "complaint" from the WicCo Council on 9/4/15, asking the Commission "to determine whether the hiring of Culver's daughter is a violation of the WicCo Ethics Code.
    It wasn't a "complaint" the council was questioning but a request to have the Commission go and look for a violation. Sounds like abuse of power violation on the part of the council.

  32. YES...Cannon, with Creamer whispering in his ear, is fighting Culver - the first REAL county executive - tooth and nail by abusing power. Claiming power that the council doesn't hold. Why do you think they don't want Wilbur? He won't allow the BS to go on that Baker and staff justified.

    People - take back your county from these liberal liars!!!

  33. Pollitt was a buffoon and in the pocket of the Shea/Cramer/Baker crowd, who did nothing for the citizens, but everything for themselves. This is truly a fight for taking back our county, because those who are ripping off the citizens don't want a true County Executive form of government. They were able to control Pollitt. Culver is trying to do what is right for the people. Creamer is the root of all the abuse in the county with Cannon so sucked in, his lips are puckered.

  34. Cannon wants so bad to be Executive he will do anything to get there. Someone should tell him that is an elected position, he's not likely to ever be elected to do more than he is doing.

  35. These are some of the best comments I have read in a very long time. I thought I was the only one who was watching the misbehaving council being led by Creamer but it is great to know there are others.

  36. Replies
    1. Cannon needs his barrel cleaned.

  37. Agree Bob CLEAN HOUSE. Start in your own office. Morris stabbed you in the back. Strausburg makes you look bad constantly. What are you waiting for? If you let him get his 5 years, you will lose the votes of many starting with me. He is part of the problem in this county, NOT the solution. You are too smart to fall for his BS. He is not the smartest one in the room. You've got some really SMART and SAVVY department heads. On their worst day, they are head and shoulders above the Burg.

  38. I would like to further add that the unnamed citizen requested the Commission to see if the hiring of Culver's daughter violated any established rules. The rules specifically being from the County Employee Handbook as it relates to nepotism.
    Now if Cannon actually knew what he was doing he would know that it is Human Resources job to make sure county polices were being upheld in regards to personnel issues and not the Ethics Commission's duty.

    The mission statement of the WicCo Human Resources dept states-

    "We strive to provide the highest quality services in a fiscally responsible manner while assisting the County departments and leaders in: planning and analyzing to create an efficient and effective workforce; equal opportunity employment and retention; "and upholding County policies and procedures and Federal and State regulations relevant to personnel issues""

  39. inquiring minds want to know. what does creamer have on cannon that he is such an @ss kisser? conversely, why does cannon keep creamer who is jaded and drinks too much? if we had any investigative reporters, instead of main stream liberal suck-ups, maybe someone would get to the bottom of things. looks like it is up to you Joe.

  40. Hey Daily Times Editorial Board, we know you read this blog to get some of your news. Are you going to write another editorial about Pollitt hiring his son at $15 per hour for a part time job while county executive? You certainly wanted to nail Culver over "perception". Where were you when this was going on with Pollitt? It just proves not only do you have lame reporters, you do not do honest, unbiased reporting. New editor/publisher - do you have the b@lls to correct your outright mistake and Cannon's lies? This is a test of what you are really made of!

  41. To all Council Members (not Cannon),

    Just how stupid are you going to allow Cannon to make you look? You are sheep doing group think! Wake up and do what you were elected to do!

    He is making you look like fools!

  42. Creamer is absolutely no angel. He gets up in the church pulpit all pious and religious but he is nothing but a sneaky liar. He knows when property is going to be sold under value and he and his son the IV, buy the property at a low reduced cost then rent or sell. Creamer and Cannon will look you in the face and lie straight face to you. At least they both will be besties in hell together to chat over old times.

    Cannon as always been a loser except in his own mind. The best thing the voters could do is vote out all the council members except Joe Holloway. 3:53 PM hit the nail right on the head and how true!!!!

  43. " Anonymous said...

    Another lie in the article was that Cannon said he knew nothing about the ethics violation. That's B.S. He and the council filed a ethics charge.

    October 14, 2015 at 3:02 PM"

    "Cannon said he knew nothing about the ethics violation."

    Really? Cannon said this, did he? There you go. If he hadn't any knowledge of an ethics violation then he may have completely stepped over the line by asking for a review. A complaint is any formal legal doc that sets out facts and legal reasons that one believes are sufficient to support a claim. A complaint isn't speculation or guessing or in this case hoping to find a violation.

  44. Should Culver's daughter or family member of any other elected official, not be allowed to apply for a job in county government because their relative works or serves there? Why should they be punished or "discriminated" against for that?

    If the person is qualified for the job, goes through the process, is interviewed and is considered my multiple interviewers to be the best candidate, so be it.

    You can't help who your family is. I'm sure your siblings and other family members feel that way about you lately John. ROFLMAO

  45. Where are the council minutes where the council discussed/voted to file the complaint? It's debatable if they can say this was an issue covered under the exceptions allowing a closed session.

  46. Culver, Ennis and Lewis need to see what they can do against the witch hunt started by the Council. Cannon and his flunkies are out of control. Johnny boy was drooling over the thought that he "had" something on Culver. All he did was waste time and probably county money on this.

    Either Culver and the department heads or the rest of the Council needs to rein in Cannon and take him to task. He is an egomaniac.

  47. Copied directly from the DT's-

    " Cannon said in a recent interview that while he was aware of the hiring, he only knew she had been hired to the county’s financial department and knew nothing of any ethical or legal improprieties."

    Since he knew NOTHING of any ethical or legal improprieties then he had no business asking for an ethics review.

  48. Bob Culver. What are you going to do about this? How long are you going to stay in defensive mode? Stop letting Cannon pull these stunts! Get your story out. Lord knows what comes out of Cannon isn't the truth! DO SOMETHING - HE HAS DISCREDITED YOU AND TWO OF YOUR DEPARTMENT HEADS! TAKE A STAND!

  49. We need a Larry Hogan to save this county. Wish he'd step in and straighten out the council.

  50. 6:00 comment should be a post. I'd like to see an answer from the Daily Times Editorial Board!!

  51. I'm with 6:19. Bob you need to tell Creamer and his puppet that you are done with their misbehaving. The first thing you need to take care of tomorrow morning is to rid yourself of Strausberg. He is the council's mole and even when off is doing business with Creamer. You need someone in your office that will help direct but be loyal to you. At this point you have no one.

  52. I agree 6:29. The DT's who got themselves so hot and bothered over the lawsuit they filed against OCPD for not releasing the name of a drowning victim needs to file to see and publish the name of the citizen who filed the bogus complaint which amounts to nothing more than abusing the procedure of the Ethics Commission.

  53. First of all Cannon had no business even saying that Pollitt's kids never worked for the county. Since it turned out to be not a true statement Cannon looks like a liar. Even if it were true it adds nothing to the situation except fuel to the fire which then would have made him look unprofessional. He's one of those that never learned the less you say the better. Especially true when you tend to lie or you are clueless.

  54. The County government is now down in the gutter with Salisbury's government

  55. With the likes of the Creamer and Cannon, alias the puppet and his master that's exactly what you should expect 7:57pm.

  56. "He's one of those that never learned the less you say the better. Especially true when you tend to lie or you are clueless.

    October 14, 2015 at 6:58 PM"

    He no doubt thought he would be clever by adding the little tidbit which turned out to be completely untrue. Doing crap like that always comes back to bite you 2 fold.

  57. Look at the major issue here. It's the Daily Times. They are a Democratic left wing publication that is being controlled by the MSM which is controlled by Obama. It is now at the point where no one can trust anything that is printed in this newspaper. They have been loosing credibility for a long time. Perhaps they perceive their readers as redneck dumb ass Eastern Shore rednecks that know no better. What we need here is a newspaper that is independent and away from government control. So far the best option we have now is SBY News.

  58. Never did like Cannon. Only got in because because can't stand that Mitchell woman even more.

  59. Cannon is a "snake in the grass"!!!! He needs to go ASAP. He has a problem telling the truth. Creamer is just a puppet for Cannon and is just eating up county money and double dipping.............when can he go also.......

  60. Apparently, Cannon doesn't understand his job as county council president. It appears his main goal under the direction of Creamer is to make Culver look bad or play gotcha. Well, John you are confirming what most people know, you aren't suited for elected office. You need to find a new hobby. Wicomico County needs true leaders and you aren't one.

  61. Very disappointed with this information being revealed. I have known John for years and am shocked that he would lie. He must have a reason to do so but I'm afraid he has sealed his fate by this behavior. If he is struggling with Bob Culver as executive he will have the opportunity to run a campaign of his own and let the people decide. Lying won't get him anywhere.

  62. he's a democrat isn't he you can't expect any better

  63. What you're witnessing here is an implosion of the Republican Party. That's right. There are two types of repubs right now. The true conservatives who want to make the necessary changes to get back to the conservative values of its constituents and republicans who really run for office to keep things at a status quo in order to personally benefit. The establishment repubs can't stand the idea that the "new " breed exists and is taking over. Bob culver is doing what needs to be done. Now If he would just bring some manufacturing to the county ......

    1. The Democratic Party imploded this country 7 years ago. They controlled Congress for four years and were in total gridlock. Any Republican Party is better than the last 7 years of hell we have been through. Enough of this politically correct crap. Enough of theses handouts and enough of giving our tax dollars to foreign countries when we can't fixed our own problems.

  64. Why is the main goal to make Culver, Lewis and Ennis look bad? Am I missing something? What is the obsession with destroying them?

  65. Let this be a lesson. Best to use your brain before you start talking smack. Best to keep your mouth shut all together. Nothing good ever comes from yapping to the media or putting anything down in writing this goes for emails and social media.

  66. 9:41. The answer to your question is that Matthew Creamer has conducted business for Wicomico County for the last 40 years and he is fighting hard to not lose his power. Even though the executive form of government was chosen by the voters and took effect in 2006, the first executive, Mr. Pollitt, only took the chair but did not take the reigns of the govt. The council form of government continued. The County attorney, Mr. Baker was one of the "good ole boys" and allowed Mr. Creamer to continue with his power. After all, Mr. Baker got the sweet deal to become a part of the retirement system after having been paid by the hour for the first 20 plus years. So who did he owe for that gesture. The answer is those who were in control of the government....follow the dots to Mr. Matthew Creamer, Mr. Shea, Mr. Mackes, Mr. Thompson and Mr. Petersen. This government has benefited a few people in a great way. Mr. Bob Culver was elected Executive because the people were extremely tired of being taxed to death for the benefit of a few employees who were charge for too many years. Now the majority of the sitting council is supporting Mr. Creamers desire to hold on to his power and is fighting the department heads that you mentioned because they have supported Mr. Culver in his endeavors to truly allow the executive form of government to work.

  67. Seems to me Culver has some moves he can make. First, fire Strasburg. He is obviously against what Culver is trying to do. Second, cut the funding to the Council forcing Creamer out. Third, call for a forensic audit of all departments that have had sketchy leadership, as in good old boy leadership. Recs, Parks & Tourism and Legal immediately come to mind. Fourth, make public the true cost of retirement packages, amount paid for comp time and unused annual leave. Sunlight is the answer to this darkness. The taxpayers are footing the bills, we need to know just how deep and widespread the abuse is.

  68. Can someone tell us when ricks son worked for parks and rec?
    I know full time people working there for 15 years that are not making $15.00 a hour. What Culver and Cannon really need to look at is The Henry Parker Sports Complex .The one Cannon said was such a Beautiful Park when they were begging the city to hand it over .Anyone just drive up there look when you first go in the brick entrance sign has been damaged by a automobile and not repaired for over a year.Continue into the parking lot and see all the damaged trash cans and trash all over the parking lot.The bathrooms are past being viral they are hideous to say the least.So lets buy another pirates wharf or west metro core which have never been developed while our current facilties crumble in neglect from piss poor management.


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