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Sunday, October 04, 2015

What Is Privacy Any More

In the world of Internet and real time publishing through social media, we're all coming to learn we don't have to rely on main stream media much any more when it comes to local news.

Yesterday we watched the Salisbury Fire Department use a ladder truck to hoist a person from a second floor location through a window. 

What most people don't understand and what most residents don't even think about is, what happens if an emergency happens, can the fire department carry someone down the tiny staircases in these older homes. Heck, even I didn't think of this until we posted this happen yesterday and we own an older home with a staircase that has a landing half way up it. There's no way, (NO MATTER YOUR SIZE) they can get a stretcher through there. 

So what went a little nuts yesterday was the fact that the SFD implied that this person was a larger person and that is why they had to hoist him through the window. Well, being large certainly didn't help matters but in reality I don't think size had much to do with the problem at hand. These staircases are the main problem and there is NO code in an older home that forces property owners to enlarge those staircases. 

Was it offensive that the SFD brought up the persons size, nah, it was a reality and explained why they did what they had to do. Some took offense to it because they are large themselves. Instead, they should be grateful the taxpayers put out over a million dollars for a piece of equipment that could extract such people and bring them to safety. 

So let me ask all of you the following question. 

Was the SFD out of line by bringing up the persons size, (obese) when putting up information on social media?


  1. I saw the pics and I don't think the person looked to be necessarily obese. I can say that if it's a lighter weight person they can bring them down the stairs on a chair. This happened to my father. No more than 2 people can haul the chair because of being nothing to grab onto so if the person's weight makes it dangerous to carry them this is the best method. Doesn't necessary mean the person is obese. My father weighed about 150.

  2. No. If a person is obese or anorexic the person needs to own that. Let's face it two people can carry a 120lb person, two people cannot carry a 250lb person safely.
    (Before people jump me for criticizing I am 195lb and considered obese.)

  3. The post says the person's "size" not weight. Size could mean the length of the person too. I think any adult no matter their weight couldn't be maneuvered down a narrow staircase on a full sized stretcher.

  4. No bringing up the person's size and equating it to the person's weight is assuming and jumping to conclusions. The post clearly states the extraction was due to the person's size and the narrow stairway. If the stairway wasn't narrow then yes, it could be concluded that this was done because of the person's weight. A pediatric stretcher couldn't even be maneuvered safely down a flight of stairs if there is a landing or curves.

  5. The whole article is not news, no ones business, an invasion of privacy during a traumatic time.

    If they want to pat themselves on the back take photos during training sessions. not embarrass the public you are serving

    The whole "only fat people are complaining" is BS

  6. When you call for EMS/Fire or the Police and they show up, that is the end of any expectation of privacy. Neighbors and other gawkers and rubber neckers are going to show up and watch. Since the expectation of privacy is gone, any info posted isn't a privacy violation. Even those listening to a scanner can get info on the patient's condition and possible treatment by EMS officials.
    Personally I don't have a problem with the post. It is showing us where I tax dollars are going in the form of training and equipment.

  7. Why are there people out there who want to attack the Fire Dept for doing their job, if you are obese own it, at least they were there when you needed them, and safely I will add did their job. I notice any ad or helpful hint put on this blog is immediately criticized and poked fun at. Their are a number of people out here with too much time on their hands, instead of being thankful, like the deer remark, they use it to show their ignorance. Next time you need the fire department, police or any other public assistance, take a moment to thank them. I worked for a Chiropractor here in Salisbury years ago who had to go to the homes of really obese persons because they could not come in for appointments, but he did it. Just consider loosing weight it is good for your health, and I am sure would make things easier on your families as well, I know because I have had a weight problem as well, but I do not complain, it is my own fault.

  8. I lived in an upstairs apt and there was a sharp right turn at the door at the bottom of the stairs. I couldn't be carried on a stretcher down the stairs. Fortunately I was able to walk down (with help), but many times that doesn't work.

  9. The SFD was not out of line. They did a great job getting the person out safely. It gets so old hearing others pick at something they no nothing about. Wouldn't it have been better if the person that was offended just contact the fire dept to talk about their issue? It would have saved so much drama.

  10. No, If a person wants to be saved in a life threatening situation they need to think about their surroundings and the effect of their personal situation.

  11. According to the BMI index everybody is obese today. That doesn't mean people aren't healthy by any means. People just have to grow thicker skin and stop getting offended when someone brings up an obvious fact!!

  12. No they weren't out of line.
    However there is other ways besides using the truck to hoist. Stair chair could've been used with ropes ,block and tackle to help lower the obese person down the stairs. Very minimal man power on that. And I have personally used the chair to bring down obese people in this manner.
    Another way to avoid these narrow cornered stairs is the reeve sleeve. But not practical for obese patients.

  13. We need to see more real photo's instead of censored news. This is a real world, with killers, rapists, muggers, car wreaks, drug overdoses, if the public saw more of what is really going on, it could really enlighten them. Most news anymore is censored to avoid offending anyone, it is time to show the real stuff, the people jumping to their deaths from burning buildings, the dead bodies at a drunk driving accident scene, the murdered child from a pedophile. All of use need to be touched by this violence to really understand our world, and what the first responders have to deal with everyday, then maybe the cop haters would see just why cops sometimes go ballistic on a perp, after he just raped a child, or mugged an old lady.

  14. Gerald, I think you need a special kind of help.

  15. This is really disgusting! It does not matter if the man was 100 lbs or 400 lbs. Why even post anything like this on social media?! When people call 911 for help, they don't expect their picture to be posted on the internet. The fire department should be ASHAMED!! I am ashamed for them, and I had no part of this. What a low class city we live in.

  16. The fire fighters did a great job. BUT why post the pics? Would they want their pic posted all over social media if they were't able to fit down a staircase? Would they want it posted if it was their mom or dad on that stretcher? Most likely no. On other hand yes these kind of things are public, you can hear it on scanners or what not. But out of respect, this was way out of line to post the pics and because of his size.

  17. I'm 6 foot and 200 lbs, average build, and had a time of back pain that immobilized me in my bedroom of a 1975 common 1200 S.F. rancher. The ambulance personnel could not get the stretcher past the living room, and I had to crawl on all 4's to them. It took a long time and a lot of pain. If I couldn't, this same scenario may have had to have happened WITHOUT a staircase problem!

  18. The TRUTH does not need to be defended..

  19. Moral of the story:

    Don't roost in an upstairs bedroom that your carcass can't be easily hauled out of. If you are too "large" to be carted out with some dignity, either do something about it, or face the possibility of your bulk being hauled out in a rather humiliating manner.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Moral of the story:

    Don't roost in an upstairs bedroom that your carcass can't be easily hauled out of. If you are too "large" to be carted out with some dignity, either do something about it, or face the possibility of your bulk being hauled out in a rather humiliating manner.

    September 30, 2015 at 9:36 PM

    Yeaaaah. I can hear it now. I don't care about appliances, can I get out on a stretcher?

  21. LA never censors the news, you see it live on TV. Shooting victims, all covered in blood, horrific car accidents on the freeway, bodies all over. WBOC always is protecting it's ass by censorship.

  22. Anonymous said...
    LA never censors the news, you see it live on TV. Shooting victims, all covered in blood, horrific car accidents on the freeway, bodies all over. WBOC always is protecting it's ass by censorship.

    September 30, 2015 at 11:25 PM

    You are crazy. Ohhhh, maybe you're one of these ff's? That would make sense.

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    When you call for EMS/Fire or the Police and they show up, that is the end of any expectation of privacy. Neighbors and other gawkers and rubber neckers are going to show up and watch. Since the expectation of privacy is gone, any info posted isn't a privacy violation. Even those listening to a scanner can get info on the patient's condition and possible treatment by EMS officials.
    Personally I don't have a problem with the post. It is showing us where I tax dollars are going in the form of training and equipment.

    September 30, 2015 at 11:46 AM

    Must be one of those know it all firemen. You are far from the truth if you think their privacy ends when you call for EMS/Fire. You must be one of those ignorant paid firemen from Salisbury.

  24. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    When you call for EMS/Fire or the Police and they show up, that is the end of any expectation of privacy. Neighbors and other gawkers and rubber neckers are going to show up and watch. Since the expectation of privacy is gone, any info posted isn't a privacy violation. Even those listening to a scanner can get info on the patient's condition and possible treatment by EMS officials.
    Personally I don't have a problem with the post. It is showing us where I tax dollars are going in the form of training and equipment.

    September 30, 2015 at 11:46 AM

    "It is showing us where I tax dollars are going in the form of training and equipment."

    A paid fireman trying to prove how intelligent he is with this post and he shows us with this statement. Dee, Dee, Dee.

  25. You better believe they were out of line by posting anything about the size of the patient. This goes to show you how ignorant those paid fireman are, especially with these ignorant comments from the expert paid firemen.

  26. You better believe they were out of line for insinuating that "Fatty" needed a big ladder truck to carry their "Fat Butt" out of that house.

    Now think about this, many employees have been disciplined and fired for making these kinds of posts on FB and other social media sites.

    With that said if it was an employee posting this same exact post and with the pictures, you can bet they would be fired. That being said, this should be grounds for separating Fire Chief Rick Hoppes from employment with the City of Salisbury and this page shut down. This isn't the first time they have done this and gotten away with it.

  27. 11:25 am you are Spot On!!

  28. Anonymous said...
    Moral of the story:

    Don't roost in an upstairs bedroom that your carcass can't be easily hauled out of. If you are too "large" to be carted out with some dignity, either do something about it, or face the possibility of your bulk being hauled out in a rather humiliating manner.

    September 30, 2015 at 9:36 PM

    Written by one of Salisbury's Finest. Yes folks this is one of those paid firemen that your boy Rick Hoppes hired. Great work there Jimbo!

  29. There was 40 some comments on their original facebook page, now only 16 and most of them positive. So that shows everyone right there they know they were in the wrong.

  30. You know it's bad when the Blubber Blogger complains about the fire department.

  31. If you go to the original FB post from the FD you will see that they edited the original post.

  32. I am shocked and insulted! I built the 28 inch wide stairs in my house with two landings because that's the way I like them! For all you commenters to show such prejudice against wide, straight stairways is nothing short of repulsive!

    At least the FD could have done was to show a decent photo of the stairs in question instead of just spreading rumors about them...

  33. This is a gross invasion of privacy.

  34. If they didn't fully disclose everything that was going on and justify why they did what they had to do, people would be on here complaining about the waste of tax dollars manpower and equipment. Not to mention the conspiracy theories that people would come up with. Full disclosure minus the patient's name and address is the only way to handle it. Let the experts do what the experts do. They know their capabilities and equipment better than you.

    Giovanni Jones


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