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Thursday, October 08, 2015

What Changed?


  1. Fools got involved?

  2. Liberals got elected!

  3. That's true! When I was in highschool I had to attend a hunters safety course and learned the proper use of using a rifle and a gun. Won't see this today!!!!

  4. And, compare gun violence numbers then and now. Politicians love statistics, except when they do not support their agenda.

  5. 9:47 you stole my comment.

  6. But but but Dem politicians carry guns .

  7. Now the students out gun the cops.

  8. Students used to show up in pickup trucks with a shotgun or two on a rack in the back window. Park in the student parking lot.
    No one ever got shot.
    When violence (GRAPHIC video games, music, movies, etc) is promoted and glorified, especially to young kids, well, we are reaping what we've sown....
    Keep cheering.

  9. Liberals have no common sense!

  10. What happened??? Liberals happened. Liberals are a cancer that destroys all they come into contact with.

    Bleeding heart liberals either wet their pants at the first sign of trouble, or get on the phone and demand service from the very people they try to destroy.

    Who better to teach gun safety than police, and parents to their children?

  11. I was on my high school shooting team.

  12. lmclain..., you've nailed it.

  13. We live in a Fked Up country. We need to round up all liberal Obama voters and charge them with being traitors to our nation. That's right Chuck Cook this means you! Lock them up and then let's go back to the life we once knew in this country.


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