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Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Washington Post: Let’s Make America A Gun Free Society

The anti-gunnites are becoming more and more brazen in the wake of the Oregon UCC shooting. Which occurred in a mostly gun free zone. Yes, the UCC campus is a gun free zone, no matter what liberals try and tell you. The only exception is for those with Concealed Carry Permits, who still cannot bring them in buildings on campus. Mr. Obama brought up the “Australian solution”, namely, declaring most gun ownership illegal, making it law, implementing gun buy-backs/confiscation. That his given license to the anti-gunnites to more openly declare their true intentions. Here’s Washington Post Editorial Page Editor Fred Hiatt

A gun-free society

Maybe it’s time to start using the words that the NRA has turned into unmentionables.


Mass buyback.

A gun-free society.

Let’s say that one again: A gun-free society.

Doesn’t it sound logical? Doesn’t it sound safe? Wouldn’t it make sense to learn from other developed nations, which believe that only the military and law enforcers, when necessary, should be armed — and which as a result lose far, far fewer innocent people than die every year in the United States?



  1. Let's start by removing the guns that protect our politicians...

  2. There is a great movie about just such a "gun-free" society where only the police and military have guns. It even won Steven Spielberg the Oscar in 1993. The movie is "Schindler's List".

  3. Let's see, we had a alcohol free society once, that worked out real well didn't it.

  4. Australia has a total population less than the state of NYC. Australia was found as a prison camp for England's worst offenders so they had no rights to begin with . Australia is also a more socialistic society and parts of their culture go against some of what we as Americana believe in. So while the sound byte of do what Australia did sounds good there is no way it would work the same in the USA. The Australians are less tolerant than us Americans and they hate all the Chinese who are buying the country up and not speaking the native language. The other funny part was they forced all the black people out of the big cities and they live in the desert regions. The entire time I was in Australia in a city of over 4 million I only saw 2 black people and they were Americans.

  5. listening to Obama talk about a gun free America was almost as funny as big spender Rick Pollitt begging the voters to get rid of the revenue cap.

  6. No thank you. Next question.

  7. Then they should move their arses to N.Korea,Russia,China or the likes.

  8. Hitler started with the same idea. So did Vladimir Lenin

  9. Look at the numbers coming out of Australia.
    They forgot to get the guns from the criminals.
    Can you believe they kept theirs. lol
    What a bunch of idiots They just created unarmed victims

  10. "Come and Get it Obama" and all you DEMOCRATS try taking them...

  11. and then begins the Second American Revolution.

    Just remember, the Second Amendment was created to allow the populace to protect themselves from government, FIRST, and also to protect self and family. All this BS about hunting is just that. Hunting is great, but not the purpose of 2A.

    They want your guns so that they can control you completely. Without doing that, they fear you. I prefer that they fear us rather than the other way around. Keep your guns, buy more ammo, and keep then on their toes.

  12. and I say to them to go pound sand!


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