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Friday, October 30, 2015

Wake Up America: Democrats at War with We the People

Please forgive me for sounding like a doting dad, but I was blessed to watch my adult daughter play in the softball world series. I beamed with pride as the outfielders backed up when she came to bat. However, what I am about to report will further entrench me as a traitor in the minds of other blacks in my family.

My wife Mary alerted me to the latest horrific incidents of the Knockout Game that were ignored by the mainstream media. In New Jersey, a black thug knocked out an unsuspecting,defenseless white woman. In Baltimore, 50 black teens almost beat a 61-year-old white man to death. And yet, race is the first thing out of reporters’ mouths in those rare incidences in which whites assault blacks. Stats show that blacks assault whites far more than vice versa.

I am the first to say all people are solely responsible for their behavior. However, I see these black assaults on whites as the fist of the Democratic Party punching out innocent whites – the hand of the Democratic Party pulling the trigger assassinating police officers across America.

Democrats with MSM assistance have successfully convinced many black youths to believe that white America is a collection of racist murderers and responsible for all of black America’s woes. This Democrat-media insidious lie has caused black youths to feel morally justified in punishing their white nemesis.

Few people realize that the Democratic Party is at war with America. Yes, I am unequivocally saying everything the Democratic Party does is an attack on traditional morals and values. The party leadership is repulsed by our God-given freedom and rights written in the Constitution. Due to his radical education and perverted view of morality, President Obama believes that the world has too little because America has too much. He is using his presidency to dethrone America as the world power.

From the Oval Office to numerous corrupted liberalism-infected government agencies, Democrats arrogantly bully and govern with an iron fist against the will of a majority of Americans. In essence, the Obama regime gives the American people the finger daily.


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