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Wednesday, October 07, 2015

The Things You Can Find On Social Media


  1. Seriously...he's out of office in what, about 12 months. Give it a rest.

    Why can't it be enough that you disagree with his entire approach to governing? That used to be enough to hate our elected leaders? Now, it's not enough. Now, we must demonize people. It's not enough that he's wrong...he must be evil.

    I truly will never understand you folks...

    1. So you think all the information out their on him is wrong? What he is doing is ok in the Middle East? You do know we are still at war correct?

    2. He has 14 months to Destroy America.

  2. ...that's actually Lincoln's bible, but keep on keeping on.

  3. And wasn't the bible lost or something after it was used that day? I remember something that went wrong but can't place it in my head

    1. He had to retake the oath because his hand was NOT on a bible. If that red book is the Bible it has to be the thickest Bible I have ever seen, must be in super large type!

  4. according to FOX News Published January 10, 2013

    "President Obama is putting a symbolic twist on a time-honored tradition, taking the oath of office for his second term with his hand placed not on a single Bible, but two -- one owned by Martin Luther King Jr. and one by Abraham Lincoln." Obama is not the first president to select two Bibles -- Harry Truman did so in 1949, Dwight Eisenhower in 1953 and Richard Nixon in 1969."

    1. Wrong. Just bc you read it on Wikipedia doesn't mean it's correct

    2. Obama because he is Half black and can change protocol because of it.?

  5. 11:33 - yes, he'll be gone soon - thank heavens! Considering what he has done TO Christians and Jews - along with what he has done FOR the Slimes....he IS the most evil person I have ever known! The fact that he was able to con the voting public (twice), and the legislators and POSSCOTUS repeatedly shows satanic assistance and/or public stupidity!

  6. 6:47 is correct. If you remember something happened that Obama had or requested to take the oath again that same day. I think he took it at the white house. not sure why this request was made by Obama or the Supreme Court Justice. Anyone else remember this???

  7. Obama has taken the oath of office 4 times. He is the first to have ever done this. The first time the justice screwed up so he had to do it over later on in the day. The second time the 20th fell on a Sunday he he took it privately then at the public ceremony the next day.
    The first time around when the justice messed up was a sign from God that obama was sent by the devil to do the devil's work on earth.

  8. 9:51 Your an idiot, John Roberts said his part wrong so they had a redo.


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