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Friday, October 30, 2015

Sharpton Was Going To Speak At Slain NYPD Cop’s Funeral Until Cop’s Fiancée Dropped A Bombshell

According to slain New York police officer Randolph Holder’s grieving fiancée, civil rights leader Al Sharpton was prepared to speak at the black cop’s funeral. While Sharpton has been a welcomed presence at a number of recent high-profile funerals, however, Mary Muhammad said the man she intended to marry would not have approved.

“He didn’t like [Sharpton],” she explained, adding that she was not sure why the frequent police critic intended to address mourners at all.

Sharpton countered Monday, explaining that an “invitation was extended” by a family member. Though he said at the time that he would address the opportunity Wednesday, Sharpton reportedly sent Holder’s father, Randolph Sr., a letter Tuesday explaining that he would not be attending the funeral.

“I refuse,” he wrote, “despite my strong feelings on police issues, to be a part of anything that would marginalize and take away from the focus of this city and nation mourning your son tomorrow.”

His announcement sparked some virulent social media criticism.



  1. Sharpen is done as a useful idiot. Allot more libtards left however. Hopefully the useful idiot hillary will also be doomed

  2. This is how Sharpton makes his money off other people's grief. I don't blame her for cancelling him out. Sharpton is as bad as Raveo Simone and Don Lemon. All three of them need to dig a hole and just hide or die. One or the other.


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