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Thursday, October 15, 2015

Setting the Stage for Martial Law

I’d heard that “an Ivy League professor” said on a social media venue that GOP presidential hopeful Ben Carson should win “coon of the year” after he advocated allowing Confederate battle flags to be displayed at NASCAR events. Then, I heard that said Ivy League professor was none other than University of Pennsylvania religious studies professor Anthea Butler.

Remember Anthea Butler? She’s the one who claims that “America’s God” is a white racist, and who called former Ferguson, Missouri, cop Darren Wilson an emissary of “America’s racist god” for shooting 18-year-old Michael Brown to death in August of 2014 – just because Brown beat the officer into near-insensibility and attempted to relieve him of his service pistol.

It’s sad that the designation “Ivy League professor” has been reduced in practical terms to something on a par with “crack wh*re,” but then there is at least some humor in a morbidly obese affirmative-action sideshow exhibit having the temerity to insult someone whose curriculum vitae, talent, accomplishments and intellect preclude her stooping to tie his sandals, so to speak, assuming Butler has the ability to stoop at all.

In context, the danger is that altogether too many black Americans share Butler’s sentiments.

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